Reviews from

in the past

Pandora's Box is a better name

This game makes you feel so awful everytime you fuck up brewing tea like... i'm out here trying my best and the professor wants me shot dead and rotting in hell for it

It's an improvement over Curious Village but I still don't like the puzzles.

A grander scope compared to the first game and some fun characters make this a more enjoyable entry in the series compared to the first.

this game makes me want to kill myself /pos

Muy entretenido, aunque la historia y los puzzles flojean un poco.

Might be my favorite entry in the series - mostly because you get to ride a train. Also, I'm an advocate on team "Layton for Smash" just because of the athletics he shows towards the end of this game.

Igual de bueno que el primero, en este tipo de juego encaja perfectamente que se desarrolle una buena parte dentro de un tren, y los puzles son igual de ingeniosos que en el primero.

as mecânicas são as mesmas, acho a história levemente melhor que curious village

[69 out of ?? puzzles solved, 11 hours playtime] The awesomeness returns! With more voice acting!

Liked the story in this less than its predecessor's, puzzles of similar quality.

The weird using the manual to get the ticket thing blew my mind when I was like 7, this game rocks

Better than Curious Village. Probably better than Unwound Future, but it's a hard choice.

Okay so I might have the worst playthrought with this (stopped it midway cause TOTK hype) but it didn't prevent me from loving this game. While the start is kinda slow when you get to Folsense you get hooked for real. The vibe of this city is immaculate I loved running around and solving puzzles there. Talking about the puzzles they were great, your average Layton quality (except for the last one, broken mic iykyk). And of course the ending made me cry uncontrollably. But while I'm a sucker for those ending it would be nice to stop abusing this plot twist. The ending got me way more emotionnaly invested than in strange village but to be frank it was kinda rushed and a bit easy, I still have so many questions left unanswered. It's kinda like the game told us "go cry and stop thinking too much". But I'll forgive its flaws cause god this game has my heart, it was everything I wanted : epic and tragique scene, amazing character, peak ost and just the overall vibe...
So after being a bit dissapointed by strange village this trilogy is getting real good I cannot wait to play unwound future

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Story doesn't make any's kind of "it was all a dream". But what about the dead guy??!? :D Sometimes puzzles were fake outs so there was no real way to solve them except by breaking the rules. The girl character really does nothing in the game but they kind of explain that by making her a red hearing later. Lastly, a few puzzles were, "what is wrong in this picture?". The problem with that though, is the screen is so small, even on the New 3DSXL, you couldn't really tell. Doesn't really need to be played on a DS other than it uses a stylus; one puzzle you had to blow into the mic but it was just a gimmick.

More or less on the level of the previous game. A nice, heartfelt story, well-made cinematics, banging sountrack. There seem to be a bit more annoying puzzles, which aren't really logical, but instead require the player to notice one weird detail (though the first game took me months to finish so I might be misremembering the scope of it). I do like the setting a bit more, I feel like the spooky atmosphere suits the series perfectly. I also like the improvements to storytelling in form of collectible diary entries. I never would've thought I would compliment something like that in a video game, but here the entries feel somewhat intimate, and actually matter if you consider the main story. You can sort of piece toghether what's going to happen and it's a really satisfying feeling - in a way, you're a part of Layton and Luke's story.

What I fucking hate though is the treatment Flora's character. Not only does she get left out in the beginning and then again halfway through the game, her character is solely used to build up Don Paolo for the third game. He doesn't even do anything interesting in this one - he just follows Layton and Luke for a while and then leaves like nothing happened. This is some MCU-level bullshit. I really hope it will pay off in the third game, but so far it felt like the trilogy wasn't really planned out in advance and the setups weren't all that great. If they didn't manage to think of anything for Flora to do they should've just made her stay in St. Mystere, and completely skip Don Paolo or at least write him better in this game.

But yeah - still a decent time. I'll check out the third game soon.

Not my favourite Layton game by a long shot, the puzzles personally for me varied in quality with some highlights and some misses. The music is lovely as always but the story and character writing is noticeably weak and not paced well at all. It still has a lot of the Professor Layton charm and it’s by no means a bad game, just my experience with the puzzles and story was unfortunately the weakest of the original trilogy. 6/10

My first Layton game. I think the story was touching, but... I actually don't remember any of it. Puzzles were fun, though some were frustrating.

This was a great entry to the series and I really liked it.

Lo mismo pero mejor. Pule y mejora de todo lo que ya hacia el 1 con minijuegos mas chulos, mejor interacciones con distincion entre puzles y dialogos y mas cambios QoL. La historia me gusta un poco menos que la del primero pero aun asi está chido.

Estellar game, the whole vibe of Folsene was top tier and Anton looks so cool!

اريد ابدا بكتابة ان جزئية القطار كانت مملة جدًا خربت الجو كله و هذا لوحده يخلي هذا الجزء اضعف من الاول في عيني
عندما توصل لمدينة فولسنس تبدأ اللعبة تشع اكثر من الجزء السابق
قتال لايتون بالسيف روعة
و اللغز الاخير لامس قلبي

En sah ils ont bien fait d'abandonner la chialeuse dans un village paumé, elle commençait à péter les couilles.

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puzle de hacer fotocopias

I had a fun time playing it and I love the puzzle. I really hated the cow puzzle though.