Reviews from

in the past

I'll check out any game that goes after the promise of Uncharted Waters, Sid Meier's Pirates!, and Port Royale. But I found almost all of this game's systems to be hard to grok. It's a heavily story-driven game, but the Portugal campaign story is so stuffed with filler and distracts from the gameplay so much that it hurts what this game is trying to do. The idea is to have more of a connection with the named characters, but I think it actually hinders my ability to relate to them when they are given such generic dialogue and personalities.

This game's UI similarly works against the player, and after 2 hours of playing it's still hard to know exactly how much supplies I have and how much I am using, which is very fundamental to the game. I have no clue how much money I'm spending or how much a trip to another part of the map will cost. There are a lot of tutorial messages but they overlap with each other so much that it's really not designed to be retained. The core gameplay loop seems fine but a little over-designed for its own good. It seems to use the same ideas as something like Pirates! but that game makes it simple. I don't think adding extra menus and micromanagement particularly helps this game feel good to play. The systems give the appearance of depth but I have a feeling the game 20 hours in will feel a lot like the game at 2 hours in.