Reviews from

in the past

this game of my childhood was as beautiful today as I've seen it back then

The second of the Riverdeep Scooby PC games. I think this one shows a lot of improvement since Bug Man, but it still isn't quite as good as the other Scooby games (i.e. Showdown in Ghost Town, Jinx at the Sphinx).

I think that some aspects of this one aged horribly. For example, "Chinese New Year" instead of "Lunar New Year", all the Asian characters having Western aliases, Shaggy calling Chinese clothing "funny costumes", etc etc. I know it's not meant in bad faith, but it just hasn't held the test of time is all.

The game has some great minigames though. I found some were actually a little challenging on Spooktacular (Hardest difficulty), but that might just be because I'm horrible with fractions and the lantern minigame is just BS. Good little puzzles either way.

I can really only recommend this game if you like Scooby Doo or are a kid. It's fairly easy to set up and run with a VM or modern PC. It's essentially a playable episode of the show with the early 2000s Scooby cast, so it's pretty enjoyable as a time killer for fans and offers a lot of challenge for a younger audience.