Reviews from

in the past

This was the good stuff back in the days

man I love pinball, even when stupidly simple

Spent countless hours as a kid trying to rack up high scores whenever I saw this installed on a computer.

Solid game to try. I'll try the full game at some point tol though.

Also, the Android Port "Pinball-on-Android" is surpricingly great too. That being something that I 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 discovered recently and being how I just now played it for the first time.

Really great port, I absolutely recomend checking it out.

Great nostalgia for basically any pc owner.

i still play this on my pc

toda criança jogou isso nos anos 2000 pelo menos uma vez, jogo simples porém super divertido pra época!

This was my go-to "I don't know what I want to do" game back on the day. It's basic, but a great way to kill some time. Certainly not comparable to a physical pinball machine, but a fun emulator!

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i pinballed myself

Who is this man? Who gave him permission to pinball in space?

You could not be old as me and not have played this as a child

I fuckinb love pinball you know I have grinded this game oh yah

One of the best ways to kill time. This may only be rated so high because of nostalgia but I don't care.

This was peak gaming on my dad's crappy windows xp laptop growing up

Se eu pudesse dar mais estrelas, eu daria.

fun when i was a kid with no internet and no imagination, not anymore

I still find myself playing this classic pinball game from time to time!

the sound effects in this are incredible

Great game and time waster that didn't require internet connection. Thanks Windows XP for having it pre-installed.

O clássico Pinball que a gente jogava quando n tinha desgraça nenhuma pra fazer no windows 7, CLÁSSICO.

a lot of hours were wasted on this

There is no end to this game, but I've reached 1 million points, I guess thats enough

I used to play this in my elementary school computer class.