Reviews from

in the past

super smash balls, nao ironicamente bom

o maior auge do entretenimento online já criado
absoluto cinema

mais gente devia jogar isso, to viciado

So, I've been diving into lately, and let's just say it's been a bit of a roller coaster. I'd slap a 2/5 rating on it, but hey, it's got its charms. One thing's for sure – if you're in the mood for some mindless fun that doesn't take itself too seriously, might just scratch that itch. It's like the potato chips of gaming – not exactly substantial, but you can't stop at just one. The best thing about The endless do-overs. You're constantly thrown into these physics-based showdowns where you gotta bump your opponents off platforms. It's simple, almost too simple, but that's the magic of it. You can jump in, slam around, and before you know it, you're either the last one standing or you're back for another go. Quick, snappy, and you can't deny it’s strangely satisfying. Now, here's where the game falters – the mechanics. They're a bit wonky, if we're being honest. seems to have traded depth for accessibility, and while that might be cool for a pick-up-and-play game, it's also a bit of a buzzkill. Visually, isn't trying to win any awards. It's minimalistic, which I guess suits the whole casual vibe, but it won't blow your socks off. The same goes for the sounds – they're not bad, just not exactly memorable. But hey, you're not here for eye candy or symphonies; you're here to shove people off platforms, and in that regard, the game delivers. To sum it up, is your go-to when you're feeling indecisive and need a quick game fix. It's got that “one more round” quality, even if the mechanics are like a bike missing a few spokes. Give it a 2/5, mainly for its repeatability and the fact that it knows what it is – a simple, no-frills multiplayer brawler. Overallt sure knows how to keep you entertained during those short breaks.

pena que 8x6 x billiards 2019 copa italia.

good simple fun if you've got some friends to play with in a call. the "Battle at airplane" map on Classic and the Death Arrows mode on the Snipers Spot and Snipers Zone maps were my favorites.