Reviews from

in the past

Bought it to be edgy as it was being banned on consoles. Its trash.

barely made it to the end for achievements... why does it even exist? so bland, you get seriously bored with the gameplay after the first two levels

gostei demais desse jogo, não vou elaborar mas e um jogo edgy asf

platinei essa merda no pc, meus 12 conto mais bem gasto kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Its fun for what it is but certainty no Postal 1. Does nothing really bad but nothing really exceptional or good. If you've done everything in Postal 1 and Postal Redux give this a shot for a couple hours of mindless fun.

copia de postal pra mlk edgy.
só isso


Прошёл игру лишь с 3-4 раза, потому что предыдущие разы меня утомлял однообразный геймплей без какого то смысла действий, и я просто бросал игру на пол пути, если вам не нравятся изометрические игры или слишком жестокие как эта, то можно пропускать

clone de postal 1 só que ruinzinho e bem ridículo.

Polémicas aparte, este es un juego muy normalito que tiene una historia de una duración justa para no cansarte rápido y un modo supervivencia que le da algo más de vida. Lo dicho, normalito de cojones.

jogo rapidinho, final meio anti climático mas mesmo assim eu gostei bastante

Ironically edgy top down shooter, it's fun as fuck and funny as fuck, it's not supposed to be taken serious, so I don't know why people it so serious and hate it, gameplay's genuinely fun as fuck

extremely laggy, what the hell? boring game anyways.

Edgelord simulator with shit gameplay

This game generated immense controversy at the time of its release due to its psychopathic theme, but that's all it really achieved, being controversial.

What a bad game. The visibility in this game is awful, making the game in black and white was a very bad idea, some enemies simply pop out of your field of vision and kill you, the camera is a joke, the game simply fails at everything it tries to do.

Postal but with the "edgy but fun about it" dialed down and "uber-emo" dialed all the way up

Desde luego este juego fue literalmente una cosa.
Absurdamente poco aprovechado.

the game is silly i think its funny don't know why it gets to much hate

Edge dms hein
boohoo como a vida é uma merda

- Poor graphics (It's hard to see anything)
- Terrible NPC AI (Innocents should be running away from me, not towards me)
- No story at all
- Clunky gameplay
- Bad respawning system
- Very bland and repetitive

It's fun for an hour or two but it gets repetitive really quick. I feel life the devs should have put a little more effort into this game. The gore concept was really interesting.

i didnt think executions could be boring asf

More Kill!!! F**k optimization!!!

I really don't understand the reactions to this game and it being super disturbing. Like yeah it's original premise is quite a bit more disturbing than what most gamers are used to, but upon playing the game it really isn't that bad in that respect. Since the game is mostly black and white, there isn't as much graphic detail in the kills. The executions are all quite fast too. I've seen much more gory kills in many other games though. Not to say that this game isn't violent, because it absolutely is, it's just there are more violent games out there. To me, this game is about as disturbing as you can get before ending up on a list. The only reason I would call this game more disturbing than something like GTA is because there you aren't encouraged to kill civilians, whereas here you are. My main gripes with this game come from it's gameplay. I'm not going to say the camera angle and control scheme hurt the gameplay too much, as it just takes a bit of getting used to. Or maybe it's just me trying to get used to PC gaming as a whole. Though, I would've definitely preferred this game to be a tactical third-person-shooter. The only reason this game becomes tactical is because of the absurd amount of enemies at some of the points, and the respawn system is a bit strange too. However, it was nice to play a reverse horror game like this. The main character in this game is terrifying. His hatred for all things human and blank attitude make him more scary than most horror villains, as well as the fact that this guy feels more real than a demon or ghost. Overall, an decent, surprisingly fun game with a lot of apparent flaws.

I think this game stupid, because it is a bad copy of the Postal dude, but you only got 3 weapons and thats all. He tried to be more violent but we all are used to this violence.

The people who hate the game the most did not play it. The game is just alright and a lot of people got filtered hard by the satire

No era la gran cosa, recuerdo la polémica de aquél entonces, que patética polémica, para un juego que no es para tanto.

I dunno man, this was just kinda disappointing. For a game all about the Edge™, I was hoping that the guns and combat would feel better than Postal 1 on DOS. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Some parts are pretty easy to cheese, I only found the game fun when Hatred V1.666 came out. This is a mod that gives it a first person perspective, color, and a LOT more edge. It was actually a fun romp this time around, but still felt kinda lackluster. I wouldn't recommend it.

Borderline unplayable with the camera