Reviews from

in the past

My God....WHAT A GAME! I was initially skeptical on the World of Assassination trilogy, mostly due to the online requirement. I was a fool. While I do still detest the online requirement, the games in this series are simply incredible and Hitman 3 is no exception. According to my PS5 I've logged 60 hours into this game just from completing the campaign and it didn't even feel like half of that. The locations of your missions are diverse and brimming with so much character and so much to discover. The possibilities of what you can do are endless, the characters are interesting, the targets are laughably detestable, the locales are beautiful, the graphics are gorgeous, the voice acting is top notch. If you are a fan of stealth gaming, or even puzzles, this is a game worth trying out. I really appreciate how this series respects the player by throwing them into a sandbox and just letting them have at it. You'll find yourself coveting that Silent Assassin ranking to unlock more goodies so you can replay the mission again using different tactics with new toys to play with. I loved my time with Hitman 3 but I must say that my favorite in the World of Assassination trilogy still goes to Hitman 2 as I just slightly enjoyed the missions in that entry a tiny bit more. The ending is a bit abrupt and could have been better honestly, but I still had fun. My favorite mission in this specific entry would have to be the nightclub in Berlin (one of my favorite cities to visit!) closely followed by Chongqing. STRONGLY recommended to all!

ANY progression whatsoever requires an internet connection. For a SINGLEPLAYER game. Absolutely ridiculous. Been apart of the 2016 reboot, the 2018 sequel, as well as this title. What a joke. IOI just loves to ruin this trilogy with their horrendous MTX/business decisions.

its more hitman which is very much a good thing

If being bald is wrong, then I don’t want to be right 😤

ps. speciellt på Mias lektioner

la fin en vrai c'est pas si mal

My favourite of the new Hitman trilogy, quite possibly because of the Murder Mystery level alone, Hitman 3 took some of the great ideas from the first two, and twisted those, making up some of the best levels in the new trilogy. The climax to the story is a great one, leaving Agent 47 in an interesting predicament. The whole trilogy is well worth your time, but this third one is definitely the highlight

One of the best games I've ever played, an immersive sim-lite for sure. Wish it didn't require online for so much of its experience.

Fantastic game, could play nearly for an infinite amount of time.

Aside from the rubbish final mission, this is wall to wall banger levels including at least one absolute all time great Hitman mission. Top quality murder.

كويسة الصراحة استمتعت وانا العبها بس ما اعيدها

dubai- gosto do ambiente que é bem único, não é todo dia que vc sobe em um prédio colossal estilo james bond, porém a parte interna fica muito na mesmice

Dartmoor- Pistoleiros conhecem agatha cristie, muito legal na primeira vez e depois vai perdendo força

Belim- se um dia sair um jogo do john whick tem que ser no estilo desse mapa, mapa mais criativo do jogo

o da china-bonito que só mas não é muito memoravel

o do vinho- o melhor mapa no quesito sandbox, aquele mapa que vc abre e quando percebe se passou 4 horas

o do trem- vcs tinham 1 trabalho, só 1

Divertido demais, mapas muito bem feitos, foda-se a história, ótimo fator replay.

Великолепная вещь

Hitman 3 (WoA) manages to top all of the modern Hitman games and deliver an outstanding expierience. So cool that devs brought levels from Hitman 1 and 2, you could spend an entire year in this game and probably not get bored.

Best story, worst missions. Certainly the worst in the series, but the final mission makes up for it.

Hitman at its best and an incredible value to include the last two entries as well.

Toby Rieper is back and better than ever. And I'm slowly getting better at these games

Such a fun game to play, story made no sense to me but in fairness I wasn't paying attention. graphics were awesome and the ability to kill targets with quite literally anything is brilliant. Super immersive, super fun and it keeps up with the times. Fantastic game.

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Wtf the romania mission was just a fucking train scene

How we even got to a point in this series where it was so polished and elite is beyond me, thank you IO.

Great puzzle game, if you play the game as it is intended it can be incredibly rewarding once you start getting consistent runs