Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good timewaster. Simple but fun but after a while progression stalls and the runs are getting samey. They still update though and its worth a shot.


3.5☆ Theme goes hard, game goes hard, power-ups go hard, art goes hard. Great game, especially for a mobile game. Nostalgia +1☆.

I couldn't stop playing,
Until life came on knocking

one of the more fun mobile games nice little timewaster

Amazing when released and for years after. Although once the adpocalypse went in full swing for mobile this game also fell to the ads and now is just annoying to play. I know there is something called airplane mode but I don't think the point of my smartphone is to offline for extended periods of time to play one game and possibly miss important online notifications.

nigdy mnie nie wciągała ta gra

I used to do karate lessons and one of the kid's dads would sometimes bring his tablet with him and just play this for like 40 mintues straight that shit was so badass to 8 year old me

perfect mobile game, would've spent money as a kid

That theme song is a total slapper.

oh yeah I played this on my step brother's TV a few times. It's an alright running game with an interesting concept.

played this shit like twice in my whole life

banger du jeu mobile, sur iPad à l'époque c't la folie quand t't en primaire

Esse jogo para mim era o aplicativo fundamental assim que trocava de telefone. Historinha muito criativa.

decent mobile game

GooeyScale: 60/100

In 8th grade I played this game every single day because one of my classmates would bring his portable ps to the school and he would only let me play on it because he had a crush on me. tf?

Fun game. Ang cool ng mga power-ups.