Reviews from

in the past

This DLC is too loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!!!

Fun level of escalation, but why is Spawny back if he has not affected anything in this story before hand? It is just a challenge mode, should have been in the game from the start.

I would beat this, but it also means saving spawny.
I hope, if I wait long enough he'll just starve to death.

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Not a very long DLC. It's basically just a roguelike, where you defeat scenarios and get more characters, Sparks, etc. for your arsenal. Ended with Rabbid Rosalina, Rabbid Peach, and Rabbid Mario. The reward for beating it the first time is... a weapon skin. Not very much to it. Once you finish the "story" once, you unlock a premium mode, which gets harder and harder as you go on. Not going for the 100%. Excited to try out "The Last Spark Hunter" in the future.

An expansion which introduces rogue like elements to the game play. I always thought the weakest aspect of the main game was any of the procedurally generated battles, and this is nothing but that. If you really enjoy the combat of the game and don’t mind the proc’ gen’d stuff, then this will be perfect for you. The other DLCs are much stronger and more interesting in my opinion.

It was better than I expected! It was fun choosing the levels you wanted to play, in order to customise better your gaming experience!

Pretty bare bones DLC. Basically a rouge-like mode. It would've been more fun if the players were allowed to use the customized, leveled up party that was used to beat the main campaign, but instead you start with 3 random characters at level 5, with the possibility of unlocking more. Every enemy is reused and the new maps are nothing special.

loved this game but this dlc was a little underwhelming for me.

pretty cheap and nearly entirely made out of reused assets from the base game, and in my opinion the roguelike format doesn't transition well to slow paced rpg gameplay like this where you spend a lot of time in menus and sitting back thinking about stuff. i'm not really interested in going back for reruns like splatoon side order, hope i enjoy the other dlc offerings a bit better.

still better than fire emblem engage