Reviews from

in the past

This title was one of the first games I've ever played and made me to feel thrilled and prised. When I played this collection, I don't know why but it didn't feel right. There was no feel of thrill or prise and I don't want to replay it at least in this collection. Because almost everything that made these two games are gone.

Let's start with the first episode which I call it "Hause Version".
First thing that reduce the thrill is the number of lives! yea it makes the game easier, and THIS is the problem. In the original, there was no lives! you should play it as stealth game, tactical and if you don't, you will punish until your clothes glued to each other cause of the sweat!

In the second game which I call "Vacation Version" you have the lives and its OK but in the original, there was an achievement, a prize for completing the level with the best time management! Where did it go? nowhere! There is the prise but just for doing all the shots on the level! And there is the temperature in both games which has no use. Instead, we have a score system... with no use.

The has a lot more to talk about like the cell phone puzzle that I realized it based on the GC version. There are some bugs but not really annoying, they will be fixed by a restart of the level.

So, what are the options? As I can see, there is no way to play the original and I can see even if there was, we could not get enough of the graphic options. But is this one enjoyable? maybe and It's all up to you. I wish there was an option to switch the score and lives system to original. If you want the real thrill, play the original. And if you think that this one is Ok and even good, so play it with no shame and enjoy destroying your neighbour's life :)

Unclear guide, I actually romanced my neighbour

A funny little game to play in between. It's really enjoyable and relaxing. I remember playing this game years ago as a little kid.

w życiu nie czułam
takiego stresu jak podczas tej rozgrywki, kiedy sasiad szedl centralnie w moja strone

fajny remaster, przez cały weekend myślałam tylko o tym z czym połączyć butlę ze sprężonym powietrzem żeby dojebać temu dziadowi

A nice remaster of two classics combined into one. Hiding from the neighbor and making fun of him continues to entertain as it used to, I recommend

Charming visuals and gameplay. Zany concept. I was less of a fan of the second half.

Neighbours back From Hell is a great remaster from the classic, different from the original because back when I had the game as a child I remember you had a time limit to do your stuff. If you want to play even the second game well it's all packed up here for you.

You are woody, a character that looks like he came from a TV show ready to prank his neighbor for the viewer entertainment.
In 3 seasons you will come to your neighbor house and make his life a living hell.

This game is very interactive, you have to figure out what items you need to have and where to use them around his house. You will have different days where the neighbor will either celebrate his birthday or do fitness or even a BBQ. Each level has different routes and items and it's not a repetitive game, you will encounter his pets as well. His parrot and his dog where you need to be stealthy to move on, after completing levels some rooms are gonna be accessible like his basement or the last floor where the bedroom is.

If you either want to play the first game or the second you can get them both here, as of now I only finished the first game and it was hella fun, sometimes I was confused on where to put some items but thats for the gold coins if you want them all to do a 100% completion.

A childhood classic that holds up very well

I have a very specific relationship with this game growing up. My dad was very strict on what games I can play on PC and he took me to gamestop to buy a PC game. Upon entering my eyes BEAMED straight for toon town but once he heard that it was an online game in which I can play with others it was a huge no for him. Being the kid I was of course I got sad but I ended up looking for another SINGLE player game which landed me with Neighbours back from hell. To this day I really don’t know why I chose it but maybe planet earth wanted me to discover what would become a classic title from my childhood. I loved the game as a kid and still love this game to this day.

What makes this game so good?

It's such a simple yet effective and fun gameplay loop. To explain , the premise has you playing as Woody, a simple and calm person who is constantly harassed by his neighbor. Upon being harassed so much Woody takes it upon himself to make his neighbor live in hell. Thus beginning the game which is a point and click puzzle game where you need to be sneaky. You will roam your neighbors house while trying to evade him to find items that will allow you to prank him. Each mission will have a certain amount of goals you can achieve around the area but will only need to complete a specific amount to complete the level. It can be a bit confusing in the later levels but for the most part the game isn’t extremely challenging you will simply need to click around and use your head on where to use items. It's a goofy , joyful and fun gameplay loop that honestly never gets boring and to top it off this version combines both Neighbours from hell 1 & 2 so you get all the content with the game. It's satisfying when it finally clicks in your head what to do and watch the prank unfold onto your Neighbor. It almost feels like you are watching a TV show as the game pretty much plays out like a TV show and it does it very well. So much joy and love went into this game you can tell they had fun making it. Some traps are reused but for the most part as you unlock more and more levels they will open up a lot more new traps to discover and do. There really isn’t much else to say because the game is basic in its core but it's just executed so well you can’t help but to smile as you play the game.

A few issues

I honestly don’t have many issues with the game past the few bugs I encountered but I still feel the need to talk about them. First off, I ran into a glitch where the male Neighbor would bug out causing his whole character to vanish turning him invisible. Luckily it didn’t happen often and didn’t ruin any levels but it was annoying a bit to see it happen. Lastly, there were a few moments where I clearly should have not been caught but for some odd reason was even though I was not in the radius of being caught. Luckily these are the only issues I personally ran into and don’t have many more issues with this game past this.

In the end

If you for some odd reason have never played this title and it sounds interesting from what I said I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a good time and will feel very nostalgic to play even if you have never played it. This title is worth its full price of $15 but if you would like to save money it does go on deep sales for around $5 which I would 100000% recommend it at that point. What are you waiting for give this classic a play!