Reviews from

in the past

I liked it but it doesn't reinvent the wheel

tem a mesma proposta de gris só que é menos vago e portanto mais imersivo, foi de cair o cu da bunda, muito bom

played the game about four years back, i don't own it anymore so i don't remember that much but i think i liked this game? sort of? decent platforming and combat but i remember some of the puzzles seeming kind of pointless and just there to waste time. also i remember it was absurdly easy, like literally not a challenge at all. still really cool art though, so thats nice

I think I came into this with some distorted expectations. I think I got the impression it was more musical than it was from the trailer and ended up with a quirky edgy puzzle platformer about childhood traumas.

I'm not really into the whole Tim Burton thing and I also got stuck relatively quickly. What I played I didn't enjoy and quickly gave up on.