Reviews from

in the past

ayyyy, they finally did good music for cotton! yeah! thats what im talkin about!
generally speaking this game is stunning and really beautiful looking.
taking the regular side scroll shoot em ups into a first person view for the time this came out was huge.
it didnt really let down. the game works pretty well still with this formula.
you might need more than 1 playthrough to really enjoy this though because getting a feeling of what is near or far away in the background might take some time and gets harder with each new stage.
the game only has 5 of these though, so its a rather short game but doesnt overstay its welcome.
the bosses did however lack on cool designs like in 100% cotton. but i dont have more reference than that yet so ill let that slide a litte.
cute story, cute stage designs.

Yet another shmup that quite honestly feels like it's defying the limitations of the Mega Drive. Its framerate isn't flawless but it's consistent enough to have a good sense of control. Definitely a game that you have to wrap your head around before attempting a successful run, I went from struggling to reach stage 3 with all continues to beating the game using two continues in the stages I was unfamiliar with in the very next run. I feel like this would be a great game if it had 2-3 more stages. 5 stages is just too short especially with the type of gameplay it's encouraging with branching paths mid-stage and an emphasis on racking up points to keep your life up. At a length this short and a pretty tame difficulty curve it just doesn't feel worthwhile to refine your runs, y'know? Hopefully another entry in the series is essentially this game but longer.

I finished the normal mode but I'm gonna finish the other mode with the fairy tomorrow lol
So for now It's 4 1/2 stars but so far It's better than 100%

Techniquement, un des jeux les plus impressionnants de l'ère 16-bits. Malheureusement, on perd un peu en lisibilité en optant pour cette vue de dos mais le jeu reste agréable dans l'ensemble avec une difficulté toujours un peu élevé mais pas insurmontable.

More games should give you a lot of things to pick up just for fun. I wish tea was real.

This game is a technical marvel and it plays really well too. Taking a horizontal shmup series and putting it into the gameplay of something like Space Harrier is no easy task. The game features lots of spectacle, challenge, and lots of opportunities to get a huge high score. The presentation and audio is still as good as usual for the Cotton series with the only unfortunate absence being the cutscenes for every level now being only for the opening and ending of the game. It’ll probably take you a few attempts to beat the game as it can be pretty hard and you only have one life and a few continues. Try to play well to achieve more life.

While the impressive presentation is an amazing achievement for the system, it comes with the unfortunate problem of the framerate being a bit low. It’s not the worst but it sucks that there will probably never be a good FPS version of the game. With that said however you should definitely try the game out as it’s one of the finest shmups on the system with a lot of replayability. It also has seen a modern rerelease though be warned that make sure you update it as it launched with inaccurate emulation. It also features a new translation but a fan one also exists. Sadly getting an original copy is expensive, especially brand new. Hope you enjoy this incredible game or at least get to enjoy the visuals and fast pace.

Jogo impressionante pro mega drive

Além de ser um jogo bom ele te faz pensar como os jogos de hoje em dia tem hardware de sobra pra usar e ainda saem mau otimizados

Primeira vez que ouvi falar de Cotton foi com um Youtuber fazendo pouco caso do jogo e tirando sarro enquanto não sabia ler japonês. Após isso, descobri que é toda uma série de shoot em ups de arcade, sobre uma bruxinha em busca de seus amados doces "Willow", fazendo ela entrar em aventuras quase que contra a própria vontade.

O primeiro jogo da série é um shooter vertical clássico, amei o estilo, era prático e com enredo engraçado. Agora esse aqui..... então.
Como todos, eu reconheço que o que o Mega Drive consegue fazer pra rodar esse jogo é incrível, tanto que eu jurava que era jogo de Sega CD até ver que era cartucho mesmo. É Space Harrier, mas com muito mais coisas na tela. E esse é o problema, que eu também tenho com o Harrier, o personagem fica na frente dos alvos, eu não consigo ver no que estou atirando, se tem um obstáculo na minha frente, aí quando vejo, já estou quase morto. É uma dificuldade bem alta já na primeira fase. Eu sei que Srarfox inclusive é assim, mas lá já tem uma percepção melhor de profundidade e a nave inclina pra atirar em coisas sem ficar na frente.

E convenhamos também que embora as maravilhas que o Mega faz, o frame rate fica de dá dó.

Ainda assim, o jogo tem uma história engraçada, não se leva muito a sério, e quem consegue se virar olhando pra nuca da bruxa enquanto atira no que tá na frente dela, eu digo que aproveite, mas não é meu caso...

Finished the other mode with the fairy and yup
It's definitely the best of the best of this series

A lot of fun. The 3d perspective is pretty neat for the time, but it does get pretty confusing as to where things actually are in space, and your character blocks a lot of your view. Enemies can also come at you from behind, so there's a lot of a memorization element to some levels. Can get pretty tiring to look at after not very long; you're probably best off grabbing one of the modern versions that comes with save states, even if you just use that to take a break after a few stages.

Visually one of the most impressive and
Stunning games of the 16 bit era. It kinda blows my mind this game is a standard genesis title during an era when sega made two overpriced add ons perfect for a game like this yet here it is running on 16 bit hardware.

Anyways here it is and it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s straight up a on rail shooter on the Sega Genesis, not only that but a very well made one too.

This game is yet another game on the system with really simple ideas yet fun and varied execution that makes it extremely fun to play and look back on. Top it off with a cutesy and adorable 90s anime aesthetic and the game itself is a great showcase for the system and in my opinion is even better than Nintendos on rail shooter at the time Star Fox.

I find this game not only more fun than star fox but even more challenging and better controlling as well. It doesn’t just work well as a spectacle but as a challenging and rewarding experience. I do wish it just had a bit better draw distance. I know it’s the best they could do but idk I feel like they would’ve sealed this game and made it more fair. Also maybe unlimited continues considering how difficult and reaction heavy this game is.

However it’s easy to forgive faults when your looking at all these cute ass sprites while zoning out to these trippy ass high on sugar ass environments. Shits just a feel good experience and it feels encouraging to hop in again to aim for a higher score or to make it to the next stage. It’s very heavy on trial and error but for the most part it’s well designed and I feel like I make subtle progress and improvements the more I play.

stars a witch, and has graphics that required actual fucking witchcraft for the Genesis
thats what we in the know call ludonarrative resonance