Reviews from

in the past

I got it on steam with a bunch of other unreal games, I played it but I remember nothing, if what Civvie has referenced about it is true I probably blocked it out

I enjoyed this game more then most by the looks of it. Yes it didn't have much in common with the first Unreal but I was along for whatever new ride this was.

The things I remember liking the most were: traveling and seeing new planets and aliens, being on my own little ship interacting with crew mates, getting a small briefing on the mission ahead on a hologram, the atmosphere of it all, the main character being pretty likable.

I guess this was kind of my Mass effect before Mass effect.

This game was woeful. Corny story, terrible voice acting, none of the interesting weapons from the first game, and the enemies were literal sprites. Worst thing to happen in 2003 by far.

Well this was a game...
Unlike the groundbreaking predecessor, this might be one of the most generic, soulless, boring, empty, forgettable and just nothing FPS games I've played. Sure it looks okay for its time and has an all-star music composer staff, but I really don't get what does it have to do with the Unreal universe in ANY way (beside having Skaarj and the fictive corporations).
The combat is weak and choppy, has none of the trademark Unreal weapons, the cutscenes and dialogues are badly written and pace-braking and oh my god, why do I move soooo slowwwly??? And what the heck is with the atrocious loading times in 2023 on an NVMe SSD? (update: it's because v-sync, WTF?)
It's not offensively bad, and has some moderately cool moments, but it really is no wonder no one remembers this game. You'll lose literally nothing if you skip this game from the Unreal series.