Reviews from

in the past

Just beat this DLC and have to say this is A LOT better than the Sunken King DLC. I do think the final boss wasnt as good as Sinh but fighting Fume Knight was still very enjoyable. The area just felt more engaging to explore along with fighting enemies, no stupid gimmicks for the most part. Enemies were enjoyable to fight as they hit hard but are easy to kill so it encourages aggressive play. Felt very fair and the setting is awesome.

Raime is probably my favourite boss, cool guy and cool level aesthetic

Pain but Fume Knight and Sir Alonne were worth it. Pretty enjoyable until you hit the infamous Iron Passage XDDD

controversially overall i preferred sunken king dlc to this one, as this particular dlc felt a little more bland aesthetically, not to mention its real gank fest issue. fume knight is probably one of my favourite bosses in ds2 as a whole, he made me cry and weep yet beating him was the most joyful thing ive felt playing this entire game. i will name my son raime to honour him

Essentially the apology letter for OG2.

Struggles with severe enemy spam, but Fume Knight and Sir Alonne are two of the only really good DS2 bosses, so I've got to give it some credit.