Reviews from

in the past

one of my favorite platformers of all time. the levels in this game are so well designed and this game is just so fun to play through especially with a friend. the game also looks stunning. theres not much else i can say then you need to play this game

This is the most slept-on and underappreciated platformer of the 21st century.

Just logging this here for the sake of completion. If you want my real review of this game, check out the Switch port.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is just… wow. I’ve never played a 2D platformer with so many great levels. It’s a constant onslaught of creative set pieces, challenging design, subtle visual storytelling, and booping music that combine to create what is easily my favorite DKC game so far.

Hell, my only real criticism is the loading times, which is more of a hardware limitation of the Wii U than anything else. Otherwise, the game is practically perfect.

The best 2D platformer ever made. This game is meticulously crafted to a degree I didn't even know was possible for a linear sidescroller. Similar to DKC2 before it, Tropical Freeze subtly reinvented the principles of platformer level design in ways that people sadly seemed to overlook through the years, but it's absolutely set a new standard that future developers and games in the genre should be compared to.

To this day, this is only level-based platformer I've ever seen that specifically prioritizes the individual LEVELS as its main design focus. Each and every level in this game is so distinct and fleshed out from one another, from both an environmental and mechanical standpoint, that I'd even go the length to say that any of this game's individual levels contain just as many ideas as you'd find in an entire WORLD of any standard platformer. Alpine Incline, for example, takes you on an entire journey from the base of a mountain to the skies. This massive level is just ONE of the nine levels in world 2, all of which live up to the same degree of scope and design genius.

To this day, I feel that Tropical Freeze is the only example of a true "AAA" 2D platformer, one that gives the genre a level of production, craft, and attention to detail that rivals any of the biggest blockbuster games from the modern era. It truly is the next evolution in platformer level design, but it's one that can only be executed by the most creative minds in the industry.

Also, thank you David Wise for blessing my ears. Love you

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is an exceedingly polished, stunningly presented, and unbelievably creative title, and, in my opinion, the best 2D platformer ever made. Every single level showcases Retro’s incredible game design principles by establishing a new idea and ramping its complexity up until the stage ends. Each of the game’s six main worlds have at least two stand-out, damn-near perfect, levels that contain smarter, more fleshed out ideas than entire other games in the genre. The gradual increase in intensity and incredible stage design lead to a sufficiently challenging platformer where deaths are caused by decision-making errors rather than pixel-perfect precision, which helps deaths feel genuinely fair. Tropical Freeze is one-of-a-kind, and has more perfect stages than all other platformers I’ve ever played combined. It’s possibly the easiest recommendation for a video game I can give, no one on Earth will dislike this title.

Also quick shoutout to David Wise for writing possibly the single best soundtrack in video game history. It's just a shame that only DK fans are aware.

Retro is never making metroid prime 4, so you might as well play their last game about cold monkeys 🐒 ❄️

Why was this the last donkey kong platformer, give us more

I beat this in the middle of APUSH after AP tests so that was awesome

Donkey Kong country tropical freeze more like Donkey Kong country tropical peak

one of the only games I’ve ever played where I went “woah….” out loud several times


I found this so difficult when i was younger that I never completed it

Donkey Kong: mamaco gelado é por enquanto é o melhor jogo de plataforma 2D que já joguei, level design perfeito, a gameplay fluída e precisa, a direção de arte estupidamente no ponto e ainda chamaram o Davi sabido (David Wise) de novo para fazer a trilha sonora. Retro Studios no seu auge, pena que nunca mais fizeram um jogo depois dessa MASTERPIECE.


Essentially a perfect modern platformer. Each stage is filled with bombastic visuals and unique concepts. Future games in the genre should all take note from Retro Studios.

In a just and sensible world, DKC: Tropical Freeze would have the same recognition as the Metroid Prime trilogy, because it's a kinetic and imaginative platformer that deserves to share that stage with Retro Studios' other masterpieces.

finalmente terminamos nossa jornada

dito isso é um fim meio underwhelming pra história do donkey kong (apesar da bossfight final ser absurda), preciso do terceiro jogo da retro studio

hands down one of the best 2d platformers to ever exist

O mais difícil da franquia, o que torna ele um desfio muito legal pra quem já domina os jogos do snes.

A resposta dos comandos poderia ser mais rápidos, especialmente no ataque de rolamento do DK. Mas nada qeue atrapalhe a experiência.

didnt like this one as much as the last one, physics were fighting against me and almost no death felt like my fault
not even gonna bother with the side content, game did not feel good to control or fun to beat
i did beat the final boss so go fuck yourself

Man I always fw cool monkeys I played the suit outta this game bruh like with the auto complete cheat thing cus I sucked and my family thought I was actually goated I realized that day I'm a very good lier good times but a actualy not so good times actually but yeah the thing i remember most from tjis gane as the theme ong can still huk the whole thing to this day 7/10

Donkey Kong at its peak - great music, excellent levels, clean presentation, good suite of characters.

Quietly one of the best platformers ever made, only really loses marks because its pretty short

first playthough: peak platforming game that actually throws some difficult parts here and there


Another game that's probably in my S tier.

DKC: Tropical Freeze is one of the most inventive platformers I have ever played. I had no interest in playing this game when it came out, as it just seemed like another DKC game and Returns when I played it was kind of uninteresting. My eyes only got turned to it after I watched the Game Maker's Toolkit Video about this game's level design. I knew I needed to play it immediately afterwards.

What Mark is saying in that video is absolutely true - the level design in this is the kind of stuff they should be teaching in game design school. Every level doesn't throw one or two things at you independently, it throws 4 things at you that bounce off each other in a way that makes this game a blast to play. These mechanics are all diegetic as well, as they fit the world design and aesthetic choices perfectly. This rides that line perfectly for difficulty, having the challenge of an old school Donkey Kong platformer without some of the more annoying aspects those games had.

The fact that this has gained a cult appeal from it's slightly disappointing performance at launch is testament to its quality. If you are even slightly interested in platformers, you are doing yourself a disservice not trying this.

This game is one of the greatest platformers nintendo has ever made (its not better than super paper mario). How donkey kong controls in this game is really smooth and it feels right when you do control him. And the additions of new kongs is really great and makes the game more interesting. The music is god-like for being a donkey kong game

this game makes me a tropical fiend