Reviews from

in the past

My name is Earl, and today I'm talking about Jeopardy! The game, not my list of bad deeds. If you want to feel like a trivia virtuoso, this is your game. Dive into a sea of random knowledge, just like how I'm diving into making up for all my mistakes. Jeopardy! is the real-life embodiment of karma - answer right, and you're a genius; answer wrong, and you face the consequences. It's like trying to make amends for a laundry list of bad deeds, just without the Earl part. Score? A karma-rich 8/10 for bringing the ultimate quiz show experience.

Dated questions and a somehow an even more dated microphone accessory make this game nearly unplayable for anyone born in the last half-century. What a fucking joke.

crazy that they made you TYPE IN THE ANSWER like i don't even know the answer let alone how to spell it

When I play this game I have the skill issue of being one of the dumbest people on the planet

Been playing a lot of different Jeopardy games with my fiancée, and I think this is my favorite so far despite it lacking the comedic value of the outrageously crusty N64 version. Miis mixed in with this game's homegrown weird bobblehead avatars make for an inconsistent yet charming visual presentation and the clues themselves vary wildly in difficulty which I appreciate. I'm not the best at these but you never want a game like this to have a hard mode that isn't hard, and this one kicks my ass. I also prefer any of these that make you type in answers, which this luckily does apart from in Final Jeopardy. I've had the parser fuck me a few times (it seems particularly inconsistent with if it will or will not accept just the last name of a person), which does drag down what is otherwise a pretty excellent adaptation of the show.

Also look at Alex's little stool omg.

It's a casual jeopardy game on the wii. The wife and I sit on the couch and work together to beat the cpu.

I really like that the answers are fill in the blank with pre-populated options for answers that come up as you type. For some reason they still made final jeopardy multiple choice. It works and maybe I'll figure out why later.

The only other Jeopardy game I played was on the SNES when I was much younger, I was really bad and I don't remember how that works. I feel like this wii version is a good option though.