Reviews from

in the past

Um excelente e único jogo de luta, muito, mas muuuuito diferente dos demais.
Os gráficos são ótimos para um jogo de 2013, e as mecânicas são bem divertidas.
Os personagens são outra coisa única de Killer Instinct, muito diferente de qualquer outro jogo de luta.
Tempo de jogo: 3+ horas

Nossa, esse jogo é histórico! Com certeza um dos melhores jogos de luta que já joguei. Esse jogo, apesar de ser meio desconhecido possui um carisma próprio e mágico, tudo nele é único, você sente que nenhum outro jogo consegue fazer igual. Os personagens, o estilo, as músicas, as fases, tudo! Ele conseguiu me marcar e marcar meu pai, que sempre amamos jogar e nos divertir com ele. De verdade, eu super recomendo!

Um jogo com muito potencial desperdiçado.

The music so damn good.
It pumps you up for the next round and dynamic changes while your fighting is so unique. Makes the whole fight feel insane.

I got really into playing this online and trying to be good at it. One of the first fighters to ever make me do that. The characters are fun and unique and of course all the combo systems are pretty cool.
Token native american tomahawk guy is there though. Sorry.

Killer Instinct (2013) boldly asks the question 'What if modern Mortal Kombat didn't suck ass?'

The art and design? Peak.
The music? Peak.
The netcode? Peak.
The roster? Peak.

The story?... Well let's just say it has never been the selling point.

But being a microsoft game does come with some annoying details that cut this amazing game short of 5 stars. Am I nit picking? absolutely yes, but I expect perfection from a Killer Instinct game.

I've played both the Xbox and the PC version, currently on the latter one and everything holds true.

This game is interesting in that it definitely isn't for everyone but given the parameters that it starts with, it's hard to imagine it being much better.

The combo system with starters, linkers and enders is unique. The way that chip damage works is unique, the way that advantage works is unique. Of course the way that combo breakers impact the game, along with baits and counters breakers is unique. The various "cash-out" mechanics make for completely different strategic considerations than other fighting games. So on and so on...

With all of these unique mechanics it's inevitable that it won't be for everyone. For those who like it, there really isn't anything else quite the same.

El único juego de lucha al que me he enviciado jamás. Eso dice mucho

Sexy looking game, gameplay feels soooo good, and amazing tunes from Mick Gordon.

i'll give an honest review aside from my love for this game and its community, its easily one of my most played games ever. in 2023 this game has more than enough content and characters to have a great time. online is a bit rough since most the casuals have left and new players get intimidated or stomped on by long time veteran players. you can still find some new players around to match up with here and there. i believe it will have a proper revival once the 10th anniversary update rolls around this fall!. check it out online if you haven't heard about it, it'll for sure bring in a wave of new players by then. i recommend giving it a shot or coming back when it drops if you're interested in the online aspect!

Feels a little undercooked but pretty fun.

This is not only a competent reboot, but it far exceeds the source material.
This is so much better than the original Killer Instinct that it basically wipes it from existence.
I loved OG Killer Instinct, but this? This is a masterpiece of Killer Grooves.

It's fun, I only played it because I liked the idea of seeing the Arbiter fighting against Rash from Battletoads lol

Um dos jogos de luta com mecânica mais inovadora de todos. Legal demais

Very fun combo central fighting game.
Banger soundtrack.

I really gravitated to this game and enjoyed it more than most fighting games. The character designs were faithful to the originals and in most cases were massive improvements, with a few cases of butterface going on with the female characters for some reason. The fighting was snappy and easy to learn and the presentation, especially after the big update, was really well done.

"Target spotted, this should be quick!"

não é pra mim
única coisa que eu gosto desse jogo é o narrador gritando ULTRA COMBO, só isso

This game needs another drop. PLEASEEEEE !!!!

Bem pré histórico pra um jogo de 2013