Reviews from

in the past

Sempre quis jogar esse jogo mas o começo é muito chato, jogo lego mid infezlimente

Best Lego game no contest no arguments. Silly goofy Lego fun inside a dope GTA like huge world map, millions of secrets and collectables.

Mon GTA d'enfance. Bien plus réaliste qu'on le croit puisque tu peux tabasser des gens sans que personne ne te fasse rien vu que t'es flic. Bonus pour le DLC ou le but est d'ignorer et de classer sans suite le plus possible de plainte de viole.

I was promised a Lego GTA game.....there was no GTA

Very fun, sadly no sex scenes with the legos.

This game saved my life.

I am 27.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand... my working hand... my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

After learning of the severity of my self-inflicted damage, I was borderline suicidal. Keep in mind that just a few months before this, I was the happiest man with no history of depression or anxiety. I have never had fits of rage, or been one to break down and cry, but I was in a low spot that just really buried me from being able to see the light on the other side.

Having nothing better to do, I searched for a game I could play, ONE HANDED while I recovered. I somehow stumbled upon this game and read some of the reviews. I decided that it had to be worth a shot... I must admit, I didn't beat the game, or play nearly as long as some of you. In fact, I may have only played this game a day or two.. With that being said, after doing so, I had a new found joy and hope for life. I was able to put behind me the pain and suffering that had been cast over me. I was able to experience other peoples joy and happiness. I was able to see the fruits of my "labor". I relaxed for 5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes to this music long enough to realize that I was going to be okay.

After coming to that realization, I turned the game off, and I went back to work. It hurt my hand like hell but I was motivated. I stopped feeling so damn sorry for myself, and I became the father I needed to be in that moment, not the weak boy I was behaving as.

Today, I am close friend with my kids mother. We don't fight, or argue, or say hurtful things to each other. We are parents, and friends.

I now have 3 kids. My third child is, wait for it, ALSO 4 YEARS OLD. The woman I am with was going through a very similar situation at the time of my own separation, and we just stumbled in to each others life unexpectedly. We have been in a relationship for a year now, and are very happy together.

Moral of the story, you never know what life holds in store for you, and if I would have given up when all the odds were stacked against me, I wouldn't be where I am today. This silly little game helped me realize that.

Literalmente e não ironicamente o GTA Lego, os caras transportaram toda a fórmula da rockstar pra um jogo lego de forma perfeita, é o gta pra crianças de 5 anos.
O problema dos jogos lego é que eles sempre são simplórios demais e com pouco desafio e progressão, mas esse até que se esforça mais e é sem dúvida o melhor lego que zerei até então. Melhor coisa é o carisma dos bonecos e as referências a filmes.

3/5 Mid.

Maybe the best lego game?
It's actually pretty funny, the overworld is cool, and it has a tad more depth than usual.

best lego game

sadly no lego sex

As a kid I was absolutely obsessed with this game. It scratched every little itch of what I wanted to be playing at that time being a detective game with limitless collectibles and things to do to feel like I would never truly finish it. Unsure how different it would feel to me now but was definitely a feature in my childhood

Fun open world game to simulate police brutality.

Pretty boring game. I still beat it anyway.

One of the best lego experiences, played the Remaster on PC and had a blast, the characters are likable, the story is enjoyable and there is a lot of collectables, a shame that Chase just fell into the underused LEGO characters club.

Já pensou como seria um GTA de Lego? Este jogo traz uma experiência similar, dentro das características que os demais jogos Lego possuem.

É absurda a quantidade de segredos que esse jogo tem, que vão desde os 450 tijolos dourados, centenas de personagens e veículos e dezenas de extras/trapaças. Quase tudo nesse jogo rende progresso no percentual de completude do jogo.
Por falar em trapaças, feliz seja quem teve a idéia de adicionar o extra de fazer a color pistol não exigir troca de cor, pois ô habilidade chata de manipular no mundo aberto. Só faltou ter uma trapaça pra ter dinamite no bolso o tempo inteiro (ou tinha e eu não encontrei).
Infelizmente o jogo tem problemas de performance, rodando a 60fps nas fases fechadas e a 30fps e caindo no mundo aberto. Além disso, o jogo crasha em alguns momentos, dando um certo receio de ter corrompido o save.
No mais, como todo bom Lego, o humor é um ponto forte. Houveram vários momentos que dei risada com piada boba e com as referências de obras famosas (alô The Shawshank Redemption). Gostaria de uma sequência em que corrigissem as idéias que não deram muito certo e sem os problemas de performance, com certeza seria um grande jogo.

I've always been tolerant of the Lego games, they seemed to dominate the (Non-Mario) platformer genre for a while just by being competent, humorous games for all ages. As in, ALL AGES.

However, Lego City Undercover will always hold a special place as one of my favorite games ever. 10-year-old me was doubled over with cramps from laughing at just the first cutscene, and the game never stopped impressing me, even now I can barely remember all the characters and plot points.

This is really one of the funniest games I can think of, and probably has more fun crime movie references and things to do driving around its world than its 2013 counterpart GTA V. The latter game of course more cynical and grounded but nowhere near as fun or carefree. One of these days I'll 100% it and relive all the fun I had as a kid through all of its great chapters, from the dock to the dojo to the prison to the ice cream shop to the museum to the space station to... well I don't wish to spoil it, but the final confrontation between Chase McCain and Rex Fury.

? the best lego game for some reason?

the audio balancing was poor at times and there was a part where I literally had to reset the whole level but besides that this is one of the best Lego games just as I always heard from others. Also the soundtrack was surprisingly amazing????

Basically Lego GTA, and I really loved it. Not only felt the world super huge, the story was a joy too! The humour was truly delightful. Bought this game a second time, on Switch.

Man I always see posts n shit saying we need a GTA where you play as a cop an like they really never experienced the peak that is this game and that make some sad like this game really is babys first GTA and I mean that in the best way possible like this really the best open world Lego game and it's never acknowledged ever like this game need more universal love and respect man I'm glad I grew up on it fr like you got me playing as a cop and not complaining that's how good Legos games are so I'm not surprised and this game changes the normal lego formula too by having costumes instead of different characters n shit like it's such a cool system man but yeah replaying this game on a PS4 now as a movie nerd I fucking adore how this game is just movies and tv references the game like holy shit man I needa beat this again soon but like gigs amirite one day for sure tho prob soon since my depression has been calling me towards this game like a siren fr 10/10

one of my favorite lego games. while it doesn't have a super popular ip to ride it instead makes up for it with fun gameplay, decent comedy and just overall charm in the actual world. they removed a lot of the stupid gamepad shit and shortened the loading screens in modern releases too which is great. would def recommend if you like lego games

I knew someone who rode this games dick like he was getting paid

Not hugely into the LEGO games other than LEGO Jurassic World, but this was a pleasant surprise. It's a GTA-clone bringing to mind family-orientated predecessor Simpsons Hit & Run, but unlike that game (and even many other LEGO games), this has its own original story. Lots of the story beats riff off other action-adventure and/or crime films and it's written very well. Genuinely humourous too. I can't recall when I've laughed out loud this much playing a game.

It's standard LEGO game gameplay of using different character types to puzzle and combat your way through the story. It's fairly rewarding but simplistic. The driving is decent if not a little sluggish. Probably let down the most really by its very lacklustre soundtrack. Very boring and repetitive, and I think the inclusion of a radio, with instrumental tracks, could have been a really great addition.

God I want more unique entries in the Legoverse by TT games, Lego City Undercover is one of their best games ever and I really hope we get more like this. Maybe a Lego Knights or a Lego Bionicle (One can Dream okay?) but seriously, I want to see more of legos own franchises become a Lego TT game.

Muito divertido,só até a zerada.Porque se você for platinar,será sofrido, cansado e repetitiva a trajetória.Tirando isso, o game é uma ótima homenagem a franquia Lego

I was promised GTA but Lego, instead I just got a bad game.

Literal better story than God of War Regnaflop. Fight me, I will beat you because as a cop I love to beat pedestrians within an inch of their lives for extremely trivial circumstances. Also, Chase McCain is literally my hero, I wish he was my father and I already have a decent relationship with my father. Also there's Tommy Ice Cream from FartSmellas so play the game to find him.

A semi-open world family-friendly GTA. Since it's a Lego game, expect lots of funny moments, most of the humor drawing from pop culture and '70s cop flicks. Lots of stuff to find and collect. Suffers from ridiculous load times and floaty driving controls.