Reviews from

in the past

nota para mi: no es una buena idea jugar a un jueguito tan bonito y tan sensible y tan indie (of course its sad) estando con la regla !!

conseguido comprando el Palestinian Relief Bundle <3

una hermosa experiencia personal. cortita y muy simple pero transmite mucho <3

conseguido a través del palestinian relief bundle en

It's a very personal game, and not the kind of experience I can relate to. On one hand, my childhood was quite uneventful, fortunately. On the other hand, my grandparents passed when I was little, so I didn't have this kind of bonding memories. When I did need a little space and time, it was videogame that provided me. Cheers to videogame! This game does present the beautiful outdoor in autumn, sadly, another thing I never quite experienced myself. At least I can make mushroom risotto for myself.

Nice little game that doesn't really offer a lot but works for what it is and clearly means a lot to its creator.