Reviews from

in the past

This is going to sound strange, but the 360 is lacking on extremely low budget, browser like games, released on disk. The wii was full of them. MnM's racing, chicken shoot, cheggars party quiz. Shovel ware as it's called. The smurfs 2 is one of the closest things we have on the 360 and it's surprisingly not too horrible. A 2d platforming game, another rarity on the console, smurfs 2 is a simple and child friendly affair which is very rough around the edges. In Smurfs 2 you can choose between a collection of different smurfs to play as, each having their own special abilities. The abilities are not special and a lot of the time it doesn't make any difference who you pick, but it is a nice touch. Most of the fun you will get out of this game is playing 2/3/4 player with a younger gamer. The simple nature of the game makes it suitable for kids and easy to pick up, with the collectables leaving you coming back for more. Saying it is rough around the edges is an understatement however. The whole package just reeks of cheaply made. The character models, level design, menus and even the music just seem cheap. The controls and gameplay are not great either. Jumping doesn't feel responsive and the hit detection is awkward too. However, there is a certain charm about this cheapness, especially when you think this was released on disk. It's not a good game, but I have a soft spot for it, and if you want some 4 player coop, this should definitely be in your collection.

A veces me pregunto si este juego es un sueño lucido

why must you lay such a burden upon me god

Sinceramente, não me pergunte porque eu zerei isso, nem eu tenho certeza da paciência que eu tive pra chegar no final dessa atrocidade.

trust me the quality was better when i was younger