Reviews from

in the past

don't ask me how we got into piracy but here we are

Gives me nostaligia overloads everytime

First Assassin's Creed owned, love ship battles

Cool Pirate Game. The ship mechanics are fantastic! Sailing the seas on the Jackdaw with the crew singing lovely sea shanties while looting merchant ships and battling the Royal Navy truly makes you feel like a pirate. And Who doesn't want the opportunity to role-play as one?

This game probably has the best combat of any Assassin's Creed game. It's not too complex, flows freely, is fast-paced, and is a lot of fun. Although I generally despise Ubisoft, they have yet to disappoint me in one aspect: the music, which is, once again, fucking amazing. Being primarily sea-based also gives kind of a new feel to the open world.

The only criticism I have is about the story. Assassin's Creed 3 ruined me to the point that I can't bring myself to care about anything happening outside the Animus. Inside the Animus, the plot wasn't much better. It could have used better writing, the characters and the plot had too much potential that was just wasted but that's kind of the story of every AC game post Ezio trilogy. The only silver linings were Edward's development, particularly at the end of the game, and the story's conclusion.

The ship combat is the only fun part, I hate Assasin's Creed

This is what a good assassins creed game is like.

Overrated. Combat is fine, wasn't a huge fan of the ship combat. Story is kind of a slog to get through despite Edward being a solid protagonist.

Excellent game!

Probably the best pirate game and a good AC game as well.

Good protagonist in Edward Kenway and he shows nice character development. There are a lot of memorable side characters as well.

The story is interesting.

Naval combat is a blast.

The main downside is the high number of tailing missions. The ship tailing missions are especially bad.

Um ótimo jogo de pirata e as vezes um assassins creed, é difícil não ver a história e pensar em como crucificaram a eivor por muito menos, mas definitivamente é um jogaço

I dont remember if i beat this tbh

I really liked the ship combat and Edward but after 8 hours of play, I can’t take the trailing missions anymore

Pensa num jogo que define PIRATA.

i can't believe at one point in my life (teenage years) i consider this game as my favourite game of all time 💀💀💀💀💀

O jogo que me fez conhecer a franquia e está no meu coração, esse é um dos meus favoritos!

the only good pirate game.

o melhor dos assassins creed inovou com a mecanica dos navio e dos pirata maluco zerei 3 vezes muito pica

meu autismo apita com pirata mas n e nada de mais

Top tier game, glad it was my first AC game, love the series but I don't think I would have stuck with any of the others if they were my first encounter with AC

Meu segundo assassins favorito, mais o destaque claro vai para as batalhas de navio que nunca perde a graça

Assassins creed black flag is a 10yo game that aged well.

Good things:

- Story
- World
- Game mechanics
- Random events
- A lot of pirate/overall content
- Mixing the AC and pirate spirit just right
- Music
- Modern day

Bad things:

- Visual bugs
- Too many tailing missions
- Not being able to open Edwards ship settings for some reason
- No modern day protagonist
- Game disobeying my commands


The story as a lot of AC fans will tell you is very good if not one of the best.
You play as a pirate by the name of Edward Kenway, trying to get wealth.
This is an AC game tho, so expect some Templars x Assassins plot.
Overall Ubisoft back then did a great job of mixing piracy and classic Assassins creed type story.
Not even talking about the modern day.
Its a bit weaker than the previous modern day story line, but still good.


The world is good structured too.
The cities are alive, thanks to different kind of guards (spanish or english) and random events like rescuing a potentional shipcrew member and so on.
It would be a shame if i didnt mention the sea.
You can fight different ships with different level and loot.
Random events like spotting a whale jumping out of the water are there too.
You can also dive, trying to find loot that sunken ship had, or you can try to hunt whales for some profit.
Speaking of profit there are also a lot of options to make some.
For example doing missions for the assassins or finding a treasure on a abandoned island, plus the ones i mentioned before.

Game mechanics:

Game mechanics are good for the most of the time, sometimes the game disobeys my commands, but i guess thats a basic problem with controls doing multiple things at a time.
Overall, it isnt nothing special for current day, but i understand the fact, that having multiple options how to take down a ship for example must have been a great addition back then.


Music/soundtrack is great and put in a good spots in this game.
For example when you are traveling for some time on the sea, and random pirate from your ship starts singing.
It motivates you to use the fast travel less.
Not even talking about the perfect timing with a perfect type of music in some main missions or when you are chased by guards.
By the way, you can also hunt down papers with songs, that your crewship can sing, as i mentioned before.

Visual bugs:

Unfortunatelly, i experienced some visual bugs. They werent everywhere, but i wouldnt say they werent frequent either.
It isnt anything game breaking, but for sure it was kinda wierd sometimes.

Too many tailing missions:

I mean all it is, is annoying sometimes.
At the end of the day, you still play as an Assassin, so i guess its a part of the game?
But still, i think they could be there a bit less.

No modern day protagonist:

All it is, is disappointing.
I think it could have add some more bond to it, but i guess its fine.
The modern day story is still decent, and that is the main thing.

Not being able to open Edwards ship settings:

I dont really know if its just me, but for some reason all it did, was just loading and loading.
It wasnt anything game breaking for me tho, so i guess its also fine.

Overall it is a great game which every AC fan should play.
If you arent an AC fan tho, i still recommend it.
(Epecially on sale)


(Copied from my steam review)

Pretty fun game, nice to have a more rough MC. Boat combat is janky (like most games with it) but otherwise everything else is good

I just wanted to listen to some sea shanties but I had to follow some random fucking guy for 45 minutes then I uninstalled thank you ubisoft

7,5/10. I do like the setting and I really enjoy the combat, but all tailing mission are so annoying and I just hated being on the ship.