Reviews from

in the past

I was both surprised and ashamed at how much I obsessed over this game during shut down. You could not pry the controller from my hands for my eyes were permanently glued to the screen. “You are what you eat” indeed. I devoured it in its entirety.

I loved this game and I'd have loved even more a game like this during my teens.

Bugsnax tem uma ideia muito louca de captura de monstros que são baseados em alimentos, mas o jogo tem uma gameplay divertida e engajante, visual agradável, mas senti que eles deram uma importância maior a história doq deveriam. Poderiam ter focado mais na gameplay já que ela é o ponto forte

there's a reason this game has a psychological horror tag. ALSO ROGER CRAIG SMITH IS IN IT 💜

You can tell a lot of passion was put into this game. I'm always happy when games like this are made because it makes me wish I could've played them when I was younger. Even though the mechanics can be a bit clunky at times, they're still fun and can be quite challenging.
That being said, I was NOT expecting the fucking body horror

Bugsnax is more of a virtual experience than a game. I was hoping for a kind of Ape Escape/Pokemon mashup, but there really aren't puzzles in this game beyond "use the right tool to capture the Snak." There also isn't any challenge to navigating the island beyond navigating a three dimensional space. The visuals are great, but the writing is aimed at a pretty young age group. Overall this would be a great game for young children but doesn't present anything sophisticated for adults to grab onto.

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Solid game

Bugsnax be like: just eat me… ignore any changes in the body 👀

7 - Very cute and silly game. Wish there was a little more to it and that the story had a twist

I'll never forget how Kojima had nothing to say regarding Cyberpunk 2077, but had a fair share to say about Bugsnax.

Surprisingly good, and with a great story and cast to support it. I definitely enjoyed this one.

Bugsnax is a cute puzzle game that follows a journalist on his adventure to interview the residents of Bugsnax island. Gameplay-wise, Bugsnax is a collectathon in which each creature needs to be caught through environmental puzzle solving and proper utilization of tools that are given to you as the story progresses. There are plenty of different Bugsnax to catch, and it doesn't get boring. The game paces itself to make sure you don't receive tools too early or too late, which prevents mechanic burnout that is way too common in overly complicated puzzle games. Aside from pacing, the tools given have multiple use cases, so multiple bugsnax can be caught using the same trap, but the way in which you do so depends on the synergy of multiple tools.

As for the story I mentioned before, it is extremely charming, funny, and an overall good time. I wanted to learn about every character that I encountered, their backstories and personalities kept me from rushing through the story. I wanted to learn the subplots that led to the problems of their small island community. The bugsnax lore is deep! The ending is such a twist but it makes sure you never feel bored or unengaged. To keep it short, the story of Bugsnax feels like a kids movie focused on accepting people's differences and teamwork. Cliche, but the wackyness of the setting and Grumpeses, as well as a balance of silly bits and heartfelt back stories, makes it a kids movie that you just can't help but rewatch whenever you need a pick me up! I am surprised by how much I enjoyed this game, and I'm looking forward to trying out the DLC !

A solid indie like title that does a good job feeling familiar while still having engaging gameplay. Not something that is going to blow you away in any aspect in particular but is overall a fun 8-10 hours spent in a videogame.

i know bugsnax had a lot of memes attached to it, especially around its launch, but going in even without the meme context, i had a genuinely good time here. the concept is novel, and explores tough themes through innocent-looking, colorful, fun characters. oftentimes i'd feel like the only human character around a cast of puppets, a la mr hooper in sesame street.

every character is memorable, the bugsnax are hilarious design-wise, and i loved every second with the game, even when the physics got a little janky. sometimes it could be frustrating to catch specific bugsnax, but it didn't deter my enjoyment.

I've described this game to my friends as "gay Muppets psychological horror if it was Pokémon" and honestly, if that's not enough to make you want to play it, I don't know what is. I have fully fallen down the rabbit hole that is Bugsnax and I am now completely obsessed.

This game will lure you in with its bubbly soundtrack, cute character/creature design, and simplistic gameplay. Then it will absolutely sink its claws into you. The story is so much more than what it appears on the surface. Despite the game being set in a world of hilarious Muppet-like creatures called Grumpuses, the characters and their relationships feel incredibly human and well-written, and the story is incredibly compelling with all its twists and turns. Trust me, it is much better without spoilers. Go in as blind as possible for the best experience.

If you want to get the DLC, I would recommend getting it before playing the main game, since it adds features to the main game as well as additional game content. The DLC is also just really good, so I think you should get it. But I played the game for the first time before the DLC was out, and I loved it just as much back then, so it's definitely not necessary to get the full Bugsnax experience.

I truly cannot describe the layers to this game and its story. The visuals are cute and pleasant, the soundtrack fun and enjoyable, the gameplay fun with lots of puzzle elements. There is truly no other game quite like it. Go play Bugsnax!!!

- L

I didn't find it as charming as others did but it had surprisingly adult themes for what a goofy game it was.

if I had played this game as a kid it would’ve blown my mind

A cutesy, fun, and endearing game that has more than what meets the eye. Sure, the gameplay is simple but the story is surprisingly mature, and honestly, if it wasn't for the adorable look, this game could be straight-up horrific. Something short and nice and fun for the whole family! Don't forget to eat some Bugsnax! :D

Funny little game. Mechanically interesting and engaging. I enjoyed my time with it

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This game ruined my life, wife left me and filed for custody of the children

I played this game for the first time while tripping. One of the best nights of my life

It's not too much, but what it is is so damn good.

An okay experience. Funny and charming at the start, but kinda overstays it's welcome. I was expecting some sort of disturbing twist, but it ended up lackluster.

It's fine.

A fun and cute game. An interisting entry for the PS5.

Stealth games are too difficult for me. Seriously though the game did nothing for me. The writing was ok, world was ok, gameplay ok, ect. I own a Bugsnax shirt tho

On a more comedic note everyone I know who really liked Bugsnax is in a happy, committed relationship. Maybe me being single is what kept me from connecting with the divorced guy

What a crazy and fun little game. I went into this blind and had a good time, especially with the story and character interactions.

Played this as a channel point redeem on my Twitch stream and wasn't too excited about it. Surprised to find I really enjoyed it. Cutesy but with a dark understory. Lots of fun!