Reviews from

in the past

This game is catastrophically bad. And god forbid if I was playing the PS2 version. "Halo Killer" my ass, I'd say it's rightfully so that they've ditched the whole franchise, especially after ShadowFall.

- The Performance is simply awful. And I have seen footages of the PS2 version which runs even worse. Severe framedrops (and I'm not saying anything in the range of 30s and such. It's much lower.)

- The story is super generic along with its characters. The only thing and the only reason I'm giving this an extra half star is Hakha which was the only good character of the game. (And Rico was much more tolerable than the sequels.)

- The sounds, especially in-game dialogues were brutally compressed to a point that I couldn't understand a thing if I were to play the game without subtitles.

- the gun balancing is worse than Halo CE's Assault Rifle's random spread; now get this, the guns will have higher accuracy based on how much your character is familiar with the guns. ISA's rifle have that accuracy bonus for all characters minus Hakha (since he's half Helghan); problem starts where there's also no ammo to be found for these guns, especially considering the enemy count. Hakha on the other hand has accuracy bonus with Helghast's assault rifles and the soldiers you kill along the way basically mostly have that gun; so you'll refill your ammo much faster compared to other characters, therefore making the other three characters pretty much useless to play as. (I have to be honest, Rico's special weapon kinda makes it up for that, but that too is very ammo hungry.)

the worst port i know, performance issues (on a NEWER console), no quality-of-life improvements, this is basically the ps2 version with trophies, emulate this game for a better experience

Great atmosphere and a good, cheesy, action movie story. The dreary lighting in levels & the design of the Helghast really adds to the grittiness. While the design of the game is visually appealing, the game itself can be hard to look at because of the unstable frame rate.

Unfortunately, the gameplay itself is meh. It’s cool that Killzone wants to be less of a run-and-gun like Halo or Cod, but aiming is difficult, especially when it comes to making microadjustments to hit someone right in front of you.

Zerei no hard, seus noobs chorões que deram nota ruim.

7.65 - Adorei o jogo, o mundo é bem interessante, claro que se inspirou muito na segunda guerra, no entanto o plot espacial da ainda mais valor a obra, o vilão é bem vilanesco, a interação entre o grupo é bem legal, tipo a cena final do Rico ajudando o Hakha tem um peso, considerando que foi lançado para o Playstation 2, os gráficos são bons.

I was exhausted, i hate the slow gameplay, the lack of music, the weak plot, the AI of the enemies, most of the weapons and the lack of soul in general of the levels. I see the potential in the helghast design and the impressive graphics for the time, but is just not worth it to sit through this game.

While Killzone is a PlayStation classic its punishing checkpoints can really bum out the vibe.

However what makes it an enjoyable experience is how atmospheric it is. There’s no music just bullets flying and soldiers dying. It feels like a gritty battlefield and terrible bloody war.

You can plays as one of four characters but they don’t have any key differences in gameplay.

Story is okay but there could’ve been more depth to it.


Really unremarkable in most aspects. I only played it because I have some interest in the second Killzone, but wanted to see where the series started. What I liked is the general game feel, being on the PS2 a faster paced shooter akin to Quake or other PC shooters at the time probably wasn't the right decision, so they opted for a more slow paced grounded shooter, which I think they succeeded in. Your Character has a weight to it but isn't too sluggish to control, and the weapons are all well animated. The general art direction is good, with a sci-fi world, that still feels grounded, because of the influence of WW2 imagery. All the gadgets and vehicles you come across aren't flashy, it's mostly just heavy machinery with subtle advanced technology built in, and the weapons you fire are all still using bullets. The levels the game takes place in are also varied enough, so they don't get stale too quick, my favorite being the swamp and jungle sequences. But that doesn't really help the game from getting kinda boring. Although the shooting part feels alright, it doesn't evolve at all. It's just shooting the same enemies over and over again for about 8 to 9 hours. That's it, there are no special boss encounters or other things like vehicle sequences to break up the pace a bit. The squad you travel with aren't the most interesting characters, the evolving relationship between Rico and Hakha was a nice thought, but they could have done way more than they did. So what's left is an unfortunately really bland game, that probably has some potential, so it's interesting that it ignited a higher budget franchise on the PlayStation 3.

It's cheesy, generic, and has some pretty mediocre gunplay, but there's something charming about it still.

I felt like the story and characters were suitably B-movie esque and there were some pretty cool locations. Enemy variety was the main issue for me, there's like 4 enemy types in the whole game. It was kinda fun to play something so blatantly PS2, I miss the simplicity of that era.

Pretty bad remaster that does little to fix the flaws of the PS2 original. There's an increase in resolution but the game still runs at 30 fps with textures that are embarrassing for a 2012 release.
The game also has some pretty clunky and unresponsive controls which, combined with the often subpar level design, can make it a chore to play through. However, the story and world building are fairly interesting, making the cutscenes enjoyable to watch. The game's score is also great but doesn't play during regular gameplay for some reason.
Ultimately a flawed release but worth it for those who want to see where the series came from.

This game was ok. Graphics are dated and the controls are a bit rough.

Envejeció como el cul*, repetitivo, frustrante, los checkpoint volverían loco al más cuerdo, las granadas o cualquier tipo de arma explosiva tienen los peores hitbox de la historia de los shooters, en fin si te vas a pasar el juego que sea con Rico que es el personaje que está mejor