Reviews from

in the past

Great but whoever thought the marty spiders were a good idea needs to go climb everest and never return

Nice little short experience with some decent imagery, even if it does feel a bit too blunt with how it presents itself.
Definitely a worthwhile playthrough for Lisa fans! It adds great context to the whole series

Game development tip: Add some annoying difficult sections where you have to dodge enemies or else you get sent to the start of the room in a game engine with no business having any sort of precision movement for a fast and easy way to make me hate you forever

The atmosphere is great and being able to be so genuinely grimy and despicable while having an artstyle this simple is a serious feat. The music is droning, harsh and wholly suited to the subject matter and the visual metaphors are skin-crawling, even if they're laid on a bit thick. It's a game that wholly enhances it's successors by lending context to the main character's past abuse. Booting up Lisa The Painful and seeing that title screen is a real gut punch now; serving as a depressing epilogue to a character you already knew wasn't going to get a happy ending, and whose ghost will haunt the rest of the series right the way through to the end.

I just wish I didn't have to dodge abusive-dad-spiders to experience it. Would've been a real ace experience if played like a straight Yume Nikki clone.

Pretty solid title considering you can only walk, talk, and pick up and "use" things from an inventory. The most intense things get is dodging some spiders. The soundtrack is great though.

I did play this before The Painful, so I'll have context from it going in.

It's a pretty nothing "game" tbh. I got both endings without a guide in like an hour. Would be a 2/5, but it gets an extra half star for the music.

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Knowing what happens to Lisa thanks to Lisa: The Painful it's heartbreaking. She's been damaged beyond repair and I usually condemn stories with poorly handled mental health and suicide, but here it's handled with subtlety, showing no graphic depictions of it (a hard rule when you talk about suicide in a work of fiction) and it shows how someone can be pushed to it when there's no escape posible or, at least, none that the person can see for themselves.

Pretty barebones as a rpgmaker game, but still interesting. It's "sequel" is amazing though

Me las arregle para glitchear la parte final, haciendo que no fuera posible ver el final

Yume Nikki but with worse gameplay

It's certainly the first LISA game. An interesting dive into Lisa's character.


I feel like this game gets overshadowed by the other Lisa games since it isn’t in that new Lisa collection and has never been re-released and that’s a damn shame because this is a really tough gut punch of a game that has allot of amazing metaphorical world building
Game play wise there’s not much to write home about but if your playing this it’s for the story
I’d say for sure play it if your a fan of the other games and haven’t played this one yet