Reviews from

in the past

i realized today that i have no desire to keep playing this game

Avait le potentiel d'être le meilleur de la série mais ils ont juste pas compris le principe de crossover

Oof, another game that was awesome as a kid but now all I can see is wasted potential


Paper Mario third wheels Mario and Luigi

not the worst paper-themed mario game on the 3ds

Just feels kind of…boneless? I guess? Even as a kid, despite loving this series, I never really wanted to play this one, and a lot of that is because it felt kind of like a bargain bin Mario & Luigi game. No unique personality, basic ass world and level design, some ham fisted repetitive (and mandatory!) toad rescue missions, and the tedious paper craft battles make this one feel like a “here, damn” kind of game. Just don’t feel any palpable passion behind this one, and while this is a mostly competent and enjoyable game, it’s absolutely the weakest of the series

Super overhated, worst M&L game yeah but its fine

This is easily the most forgettable entry in the Mario & Luigi series. The story is flat (no pun intended), the "big paper" battles are just alright and the music is just alright. Additionally, having Paper Mario on your team and 3 moves per turn makes you feel overpowered too easily. Finally, the final boss is the most predictable and uninspired finale to a M&L game for me.
Having said all that, it's still a M&L, which is a very fun playthrough at the very least.

This game has very high ups when talking about the gameplay, but very (and I mean VERY) low lows. It doesn't help that it comes from one of the greatest RPG sagas that Nintendo has ever created.
It's story is bland and uninspired, the unique character designs are mostly gone (with the exception of a familiar yellow star spirit) and the mix between franchises isn't very special (it mostly plays like a regular M&L game).
Surprisingly, the gameplay is the best in the franchise so far (really cool and quite difficult to master bros. attacks and trio attacks mixed with a little of RNG from the new deck building mechanic that helps you in combat), and the music is on par with the other titles in the series.
Overall, a missed opportunity to make something truly great and unique with two peak RPG franchises as Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario are. Really hoping for a sequel that could fix all these problems.

Truly one of the most disappointing games ever for me personally. Everything good about either of the Mario RPG series is STRIPPED away here, no unique characters story or locations. Just the boring NSMB tripe we had A LOT of back in those days. Although, Paper Mario had already been struggling for a few good years at this point. This could have been a great love letter to both series, but it succumbed to the sterilization of the Mario brand.

Though at least this game is MUCH better than those sub par and foul modern Paper Mario entries. You can still just veg out and play a Mario RPG and actually level up. Bowser is always great as usual, though I don't know why Starlow is still here?? She's so mean to Luigi get her out of here!! And the soundtrack by Yoko Shimomura is wonderful as always.

But All in all, your better off playing the Super Mario RPG remake, or hell even the M&L remakes. At least their foundations are from GOOD games.

I played this as a kid when it came out. Mario & Luigi was my favorite series. This game was so bad and so disappointing that it made me hate video games and realize humanity's potential for evil.

it was actually really decent looking at it for what it is, backtracking was a bit annoying along with the story not being the best but it was a fun run through for myself

Bought this years ago, probably when it came out, started it and stopped. Then I know I picked it up a second time and started it and stopped. FFWD to 2024 and I played it through, not sure where I got bored/stopped before, but I did trek through this time and enjoyed it. Not amazing, not boring. A bit repetitive, but glad I played.

voilà là c'est le point de non retour qui a demandé ce crossover déjà ? restez dans votre zone nan ? on dirait ils avaient la flemme de faire un paper mario et un mario & luigi dcp ils se sont dit azy on fait les deux en meme temps mdrr
nan en vrai c'est drole psq je sais j'y ai joué mais le jeu devait être tellement mid et peu marquant que j'en ai aucun souvenir mdrr, aussi jcrois c vers là qu'ils ont commencé à plus du tout mettre de persos originaux donc pas ouf du tout j'ai vraiment pas envie d'y rejouer le jeu m'a endormi

This is actually one of the most remarkable achievements in Nintendo's history as they managed to create a 25 hour long Mario game where absolutely nothing happens. Let's hope Brothership is the redemption of this dull, uninspiring failure of an RPG.

i see the toads in my nightmares

Yeah it's kinda generic, but it has maybe funniest script in whole series and a really nice difficulty curve.

I don't know why, but I've always had a strange urge to at least partially defend this game. Maybe its just that this was my first Mario & Luigi game and my second ever RPG but who knows. Either way this is huge missed potential and we needed more NPCs than just Toads and the rare Lakitu and Yoshi.

(Original review from 2017) I beat the game, I enjoyed some of the good Mario and Luigi classic elements, but those Paper Toad missions were the absolute worst and the fact that you were required to do some of them to beat the game was a travesty. The bro moves are so slow now too that it's exhausting to use any of them. The papercraft battles were ok. A decent game overall, but Mario and Luigi is at its worst here.

This was my first Mario & Luigi game, and, although there are much better entries in the series, this one i still remember pretty fondly.

it's cool mario & luigi would pair up with paper mario but it feels like a missed opportunity since they don't really do a lot of interesting things with it, they could have brought a lot of interesting story aspects and characters from the paper mario series but the only thing they really do is mention how paper mario is paper compared to mario & luigi and the dumb paper mache battles. it feels like an even worse kick in the dick that all the areas in the game are all generic mario locations seen time and time again and the main villain is just bowser again compared to other mario & luigi AND paper mario games. they don't do anything interesting and it just feels like a missed opportunity. the combat is still the same so it's still fun but this game feels like a massive downgrade and it sucks this was the last non-remake in the mario & luigi franchise before alpha dreams unfortunate demise.

Jetais bloqué à un niveau cetait trop dur pour les enfants

So immensely tragic. I really like this series, and i really like this game. But the game STINKS of missed potential!! Mario and luigi crossing over with Paper mario could've been SUPER INTERESTING. but they took the most boring parts of paper mario, slapped the brothers in really lackluster areas, and removed ALL the cool characters that were a staple of the Mario and Luigi series. The game is still fun, the writing is good, combat is really good, and the pacing is way better than in dream team, but it could've been so much more.