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in the past

i dont even know how i would write a review of this game tbh. i thought the gameplay was somewhat fun but i couldnt really enjoy it cus of the amount of bugs i encountered so instead of writing an actual review ill just list all the issues i encountered during my playthrough:

-its locked to 30 fps for seemingly no reason
-i encountered a bug where i couldnt earn any speedpoints until i restarted the game
-it crashed on me about 10 times, give or take
-sometimes parts of the map would just disappear
-i got softlocked about 30 times. i would just be driving and then my car and all the other drivers would freeze. couldnt even open the menu to escape it
-starting an event would sometimes spawn less drivers than it should, making it impossible to get gold on police hot pursuit events
-the ai collectively share 2 braincells
-sometimes the respawn system will set you in front of a jump without the speed you need to clear it so you'll be stuck in a loop
-weapons are unbalanced as hell, its a death sentence even getting near a racer because they will most likely have the shockwave equipped, an instant fuck you button that damages and knocks back everyone in a 2 mile radius. the cops have something similar called the shock ram, which only hits in front of them but has more range than the shockwave does in the front and also deals more damage. kinda bullshit considering the cops already deal more damage by default. the stun mines are simply a better spike strip, being instantly armed as soon as you drop them. they dont pop tires but they slow you down a bit and they deal damage. then theres the electrostatic field. both sides have it and its complete bullshit. it doesnt shield you from hits but if some poor bastard barely even grazes you for even a second you'll lose half your health and get sent into the nearest wall at the speed of sound. the rest of them are absolute shit so the cops will typically run shock ram and esf while racers will run shockwave and esf.

Gostava em 2014, mas depois perdi o interesse em jogo de corrida. Pelo menos perseguir os carros com a policia era daora.

As a series need for speed is exhausting. When you pick up one of these games you never know what you are going to get. Games like Most Wanted are street racing and battling rivals. Shift went more down the simulation route. The Run introduced some weird giant race mechanic. Rivals is the last game released on the 360 and one of the better ones in my opinion. The game seems to follow on from the Hot Pursuit series, mixing up some underground gangs and police chases. You have two parts of the game, the police side and the gang side, both offer slightly different gameplay. You are dropped into a decently sized and quite pretty open world map and given 3 different sets of challenges. You work your way through the ranks, completing these tasks in any way you choose, and leveling up unlocking different cars and gadgets. The tasks are quite nicely varied and the cars handle well and are fun to drive, but its nothing particularly special. Perhaps I am jaded from playing too many crappy NFS games, but as I had such low expectation I was almost able to ignore the shortcomings of this game. At the heart of it, it is Hot Pursuit 2. All of the criticisms that I levelled against that game are even more relevant here. It is everything a bland modern racer stands for and sticks far too closely to the standard set up of many racing games of this era, making it very forgettable. However, it is still a fun fast paced arcade racer. It doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, but fans of simple arcade racers will enjoy it.

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Phenomenal driving physics with roads that provide just the right amount of challenge, a risk v reward gameplay loop that keeps things tense without being overly punishing or unfair, highly customizable progression that lets you play the way you want to, and a pursuit tech system that encourages you to experiment. The most fun I've ever had with a racer, even if I do lament the miniscule map and lack of car customization options.

Good game to just drive around in. Not bad

Get's stale in the first 5 minutes. It's clear to see why this is the most divisive in the franchise, there is nothing to do here, especially with the servers being as dead as they are, the missions being as repetitive, and the environments looking, just awful.

this game would be pretty neat if it did not force online down your throat and ran okay

I feel the free roam of this is taken away almost entirely but it is still pretty fun to drive

Não sou um grande fã de jogos de corrida, mas este prendera minha atenção por um tempo. É um ótimo jogo daqueles para não se fazer nada, apenas ficar dirigindo pelo mapa, mas as
variadas missões também são boas e a rivalidade entre os dois lados (corredores e policiais) é bem interessante, lhe dando a liberdade de escolher um destes.

Apesar de ter poucos modelos de carros, todos são bem bonitos, e a quantidade é o suficiente para suprir a necessidade dos jogadores, que podem instalar complementos que o ajudarão em corridas e até em perseguições.

Os gráficos são bem bonitos até hoje, e o mapa com áreas variadas impede a jogatina de ficar monótona, pois você dirige por estradas entre florestas, pelo deserto e até próximo de montanhas congeladas, podendo correr sob um belíssimo nascer do sol digno de print ou enfrentar uma chuva pesada enquanto a polícia fica no seu encalço.

(Dica para joguinhos de corrida: um jeito de deixar sua jogatina ainda mais divertida é desabilitando a música do jogo e colocando uma playlist de sua escolha enquanto joga. Fica muito melhor com as músicas que você quer ouvir enquanto pisa fundo no acelerador. Admito que essa ideia foi o que me fez jogar esse NfS kkkk, mas o jogo é bem bom independente disso).

This game was such a fever-dream. What was the plot? What was I supposed to be doing? Why did all the cars suck when it was a game about cars?

Need for Speed Rivals makes a terrible first impression, with some of the worst dialogue ever put into a game right from the starting cutscene, always online DRM that makes you unable to even PAUSE THE FUCKING GAME, a useless navigation system that will have you looking at your minimap at all times, horrible visual clarity in shortcuts, instantly recovering all health and used items on gas stations eliminating any resource management or risk of dying, a good risk-reward currency system wasted on a store so bare bones that it might as well not even be there, spawning facing the wrong way after crashes in races, having to lose the cops if you ever want to restart an event they showed up in (something Most Wanted had the foresight of avoiding EIGHT years before) and the perfectly functional balance of Hot Pursuit's combat being tipped in favor of the police for reasons I can't comprehend.
This is enough to understand why this game is so divisive, but "Hot Pursuit but open world" and a diverse selection of challenges are enough to make this game fun. Even if the map is pretty tiny. And if most of the roads are claustrophobically thin. And even if having to lose the cops every five minumtes as a racer is the most annoying shit ever.
Okay yes this game has way too many problems but it also manages to not make me want to gouge my eyes out like the previous game so it's worth a play if you've already played every other good need for speed.

Muy bueno en cuanto a gameplay base, gráficos y catálogo musical. No es de mi agrado que los carros tengan poderes, la campaña policial, que no se pueda poner pausa en single player y los constantes bugs. La campaña es facilmente olvidable

No wonder this game was labeld as a greatest hit, now this was peak car game. The damage mechanics were as pristine as ever, the upgrading system was peak and the graphics still hold up well today. Kingfishers road was MY jam btw. I had a decked out Mustang GT with mad upgrades I used to jump distances, I even have some sorta rare achivement for getting wild air time with the Mustang. I also love the in-game house remixed tracks and revisit them sometimes because of how nostalgic they are. Other great songs I wouldn't have discoverd like Brick + Mortar or Lootin in London were also dug up through the OST.

Um sucessor espiritual para o Hot Pursuit. Pouca história e muita velocidade. Faltou algum tempero, mas ainda legal e divertido.

Injustiçado, a nova idéia funciona muito bem e diverte.

Pretty fun, more like pretty fucking dog shit

По сравнению с предыдущей частью - шик.
Во первых, присутствует открытый мир, где в одиночке/мультиплеере может быть и полиция и гонщики.
Хорошая графика.
Неплохая управляемость машин, в отличие от NFS MW 2012.
Играя за полицию:
- Можно включать сирену когда угодно.
- Если происходит погоня, к тебе могут подключиться другие полицейские для ареста гонщика.
- Если ты упустил машину, а другой полицейский гонится за ней, через время он может сказать в рацию, что преступник арестован.
- Полиция может ставить заграждения.
- Можно выкидывать шипы (через способности).
- Можно выполнять любой 1 из 3 квестов по сюжету и в зависимости от этого, тебе дадут либо обычную машину, либо машину ПП (под прикрытием) либо ДП (дорожная полиция).

Felt unfinished but that's just me

Sempre confundia esse jogo com nfs hot pursuit pq ambos tem uma proposta parecida, mas é um jogo bem legal. É um jogo muito lindo, e infelizmente o único que tem uma dublagem pt br.

Jogava com meu pai no meu xbox 360 e adora passar esse tempo com ele

A very good fun arcade racer and police chase game very easy to pick up. No idea why it's so controversial in the ratings. It would be a lot better with a bigger map and balenced multiplayer, but there's a single player option for those who want to opt out. My favourite part of the game is the risk reward factor.