Reviews from

in the past

I found the opening to be very charming.

I want to play this Zelda-like. The music and graphics are enjoyable, and the story is reasonably fun, but the controls are driving me bananas. At first I legit thought something was wrong with my controller. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe not.

Very cute and cozy game to scratch your old Zelda itch with. You can tell the amount of love and effort that went into this, and it makes for a very comforting ride. I think it shows most through the dialogue, which never failed to make me smile at the very least, as well as the pretty graphics and overall art design, along with the area, city, dungeon and puzzle design. But although i loved the puzzles and the places the game takes you to, i have to admit i sometimes found myself losing my sense of direction and wishing there was something like a general map of each area, or a way to map your surroundings in detail yourself. Another downside is just how prone you are to fall into the water, and it gets frustrating real quick. Aside from that, i never found the game hard in the slightest, but being able to cheese your way through it with no real tension might also be a downside to some. Not to me, so i find the game really delivered a cozy and gratifying little adventure, making up for a great experience.