Reviews from

in the past

I almost didn't give this a real chance, but playing it with someone else got me into it and I came to really enjoy it.

I love Pokemon btw, huge fan, and I think that's the only way someone could enjoy the game. It's incredibly kid-centric and simplistic (even moreso than other Pokemon games) but something about it made me want to complete it.
My completionist brain loved making friends with all 193 Pokemon, and the minigames are fairly decent.

I wish there was a bit more meat to it, but oh well.
I also wish the controls weren't complete ass; you're forced to use just the Wiimote and control Pikachu with the D-pad in a 3D environment. Very jank, but it doesn't really demand precise inputs so it's still playable.

This game was so refreshing for my 2012 pokemon-obsessed self. There is something so heartwarming about running around as mr pikachu pokemon themself and becoming friends with all the pokemon. Sure it's not super deep but it holds a special place in my heart

This game is just a simple, good time for pokemon fans, especially those that played it as a kid. It was fun to revisit. The gameplay is dead simple and the movement feels awful to control; however, there is just this lovely charming atmosphere to the whole game. The modeling is really good for the era, the music is atmospheric, and the world just ends up feeling so lived in. As a 20 year old adult in 2024, I can confidently say I had a good time playing this game. I am surely influenced by nostalgia, but I would not have it any other way.

Lo minijuegos son bastante divertidos, aunque un poquito repetitivos despues de un rato. Dentro de lo que cabe tiene bastante carisma, y es cool hacerse amigo de los Pokémon. Lo interesante es que es Pokémon pero en un modo de juego diferente.

It's a kid's game first and foremost, but it's relaxing and fun. I was definitely older than the target audience when it came out, but it was fun to play with my little brother, who was the target audience, watching me or vice versa.

joguei no emulador e me diverti bastante

you can play as latias and latios in this one

Très sympathique, et assez étonnant mais il est plus beau que certains jeux Pokémon Switch mdr

This game had such a hold on me as a kid.

engracado mas CONTROLOS MERDA

I don't remember much about this game but I remember having a lot of fun finishing it.

esto es lo que quiere el Partido Verde.

not as good as the second but still crazy

One of my favorite games as a kid.

The whimsy of playing as a yellow rat is still unrivalled in the genre of yellow rat games.

I got a buddy who swears by this as being one of the best pokemon games, and while that is all almost assuredly nostalgia, it’s pretty solid! It’s short enough to where it doesn’t get tedious, playing as pikachu feels pretty good (it takes awhile to get used to 3D movement on the D-Pad), the dialogue is all cute, and the minigames are all great! I enjoyed myself. It’s just nothing spectacular you know? It’s certainly a step-up from its predecessors, or what I deem as its predecessors, Pokemon Channel and Hey You Pikachu. The Baby Pokemon games. So yeah, pretty solid!

Wow this game good, they should make a new one

Winning the race with Turtwig was so hard for me as a kid that it took me months to finish the game

Melhor spinoff de pokémon de todos, eu ainda acredito que o terceiro algum dia vem

I loved this game as a kid.
And once again, you play as a pokemon, doing stuff with other pokemon, very varied too, and needed to unlock pokemon with specific characteristics to go do other things you couldn't.
It felt like playing the Pichu shorts from the movies, which where THE BEST PART of the entire franchise honestly.

i love pokepark to death and i would commit crimes for the series to be revived

nostalgia and serotonin. nothing but good chemicals

the only really bad thing about this game is that it controls like ass but in a game this simple that's not really a huge problem

C'était trop bien. Je penses que j'avais le bon âge pour apprécier.

I think I was already too old for this game when it came out. I was frustrated that I had to use the Wii remote's d-pad to navigate a 3D world and I don't remember finding much about the game too engaging. That said, the game is extremely adorable and has some real hidden gems in its soundtrack.

Le tengo muchísimo cariño a este juego, me parece una idea súper original, hay muchísimos Pokémon de los que hacerse amigo y muchos minijuegos entretenidos. Incluso la historia está bastante bien. Las zonas están perfectamente ambientadas y la música y los sonidos de los Pokémon ayudan a esto enormemente

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