Reviews from

in the past

lvl1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game 2

This badass soundtrack has a mad decent game to back it up.

Really fun rogue-like with lots of items, enemies, and characters to play as. Each run ends up being just different enough with different items and environment configurations. Especially fun to play with friends and try to outlast massive waves of enemies.

Curto bastante a ideia do jogo de te desafiar a quebrá-lo, juntamente com você não precisar "pensar" enquanto joga.
Tenho muitos momentos bons com amigos de apenas entrar no jogo e ficar falando sobre coisas aleatórias.
Sinto um pouco de pena pela má administração que a Hopoo Games teve com ele no inicio, e logo após passar para a Gearbox foi deixado de lado pela mesma. Fico muito contente que eles perceberam o erro e estão começando a dar mais atenção para o game (pelo menos é o que prometem).

uno de los mejores roguelikes
simulacion de explotar todo

Plat then delete. good game actually if they get another one on ps5 im there

This is what all video games look like to out-of-touch parents

I'd actually try to finish this game and construct the 5 paragraph essay needed to find all the secrets and unlock all the characters but I'm too scared it will start feeling more like Risk of Shower 2.

one second ur a lost soldier next second ur a god

Incredible roguelike shooter. I definitely have phases where I play this game for a week straight every year. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the level design is great and the enemy design and boss design are fun and engaging to fight against.

However I have a few select complaints. You’re kind of locked into one type of build because I just can’t help but feel I need to build attack speed and crit at all times on MOST characters with a few exceptions (Loader). If you can’t get those items in either a 3D printer or just finding them you’re kind of boned. Also getting one shot for no reason is also really fun…

Overall this is one of the best roguelikes for a reason, def worth a try.

One of my two favourite rouguelike games of all time, the music is fucking godly.

you are like the worst rollercoaster of dopamine i have ever intaken

Oh dear goodness gracious, oh it's all over the screen

so much cool, ok the graphics are not detailed but the base game is 2 GB!!
and it's awesome! And the graphics are refined rather than simple.

- All the different objects allow complex and varied builds, same for survivors.
- It can be played alone or with others
- mod support so more items!!
- musics are sooo cool, some times it's like pink-floyd and sometimes it's remind me some C418 music (Minecraft) or Lena Raine (Celeste)

It is a very well done job

greatest rouge like ever made, I've played at least once a week for almost 4 years now

the closest you can get to godhood

Wasn't my cup of tea, but I can see why someone may really like this and sink hundreds of hours into it

While not perfect, this is a super fun repetitive monster killer that every run can be completely different and random with the artifacts you can unlock/including just how different each character is.

This game is something special. Every single time I play it, no matter how much I know the mechanics, I always genuinely feel like I'm stranded on an undiscovered alien planet. It always feels fresh no matter what, especially in multiplayer. The music, done by the legendary Chris Christodoulou, definitely helps that feeling. It's one of those soundtracks that starts incredibly, but it somehow gets even better. And the survivors, too. Perfectly balanced. Even if some of them are more useful and fun to play as (cough cough loader cough cough), none of them feel useless or bad to play as. It's not easy to strike that sort of balance, but somehow, Hopoo Games did it. And the lore, too. Scattered and esoteric, yes. But it's so well written, makes you want to complete every log you can. You even start to feel sympathy for Mithrix at the end. This is rougelite perfected. Please, give it a shot.

Also, I'm pretty sure it gave me a gambling addiction.

Roblox ass video game Im so so sorry

Great rogue-like. Must play if you like the genre.

Satisfying gameplay once you get good items. Challenging and fun

One of my favorite games ever, very well designed and has amazing music. The game that introduced me to the idea of rogue-lites. Still play it every once in awhile, still trying to get every achievement.