Reviews from

in the past


For a brief moment, it felt like bomberman was breathing again. Was so cool to see this OG battle royale franchise get updated to a modern format. As a service I didn't really understand it, the way they monetized it felt weirdly half baked and unconfident. Which I imagine is why they shut it down so fast, wasn't making money. Such a shame, as a modern classic bomberman experience I couldn't really ask for more.

Queue times were generally ok in my experience considering I was playing bomberman in current year, I just loved that it was a thing and that people were playing it.

ALSO the silent hill song they put in this is the hottest song to come out of a video game in at least the last 5 years.

I'll miss this one ;(

Good for what it was, a free battle royale version of Bomberman R. Still sad that it went out :(

Much like tetris 99, pacman 99, mario 35, it takes the bomberman gameplay and shifts it to a battle royale format. It's pretty interesting, having different quadrants you move through and fight in phases while collecting the usual bomberman powerups and with different characters that give different abilities.

In the one round I've played it took forever to get in, but it was a solid experience overall. I feel like the team behind it are not gonna be incentivized by konami to properly balance abilities and with characters being purchasable, very likely will make it also p2w.

It has a variety of characters konami keeps locked in their greedy dungeons, trotted out as bomber-fied versions of themselves. Right now it has a 10 dollar pack of about 14 characters from castlevania, MGS, etc, and a roughly 8 dollar 100-rank battle pass for the MGS characters, some cardboard box emotes, and a few dozen taunts and titles related to MGS which I can't lie I was tempted to get. But their existence reminds me of what happened with the series. At least raiden's free.

Anyway, predatory monetization aside, it is fun if you can play. I will rotate this in my BRs as I do enjoy bomberman at its basic level.