Reviews from

in the past

A very solid line-up. I come back to most of these quite regularly with my friends. Blather Round and Champ'd Up are particularly good. The Devils and the Details is the weakest in the pack, but after returning to it recently I found it to be much more engaging than I initially thought.

Still super fun but lacking the one game that seems to just really get the people fuckin going.

Jackbox 7 has what i'd say is the single best and worst game in any of the packs which makes for an interesting batch.

#1 Quiplash 3 - The perfect Jackbox experience, will never get old. More please
#2 Talking Points - Not for everyone but im a big fan of the presentation games so this one is great, love a powerpoint.
#3 Champ'd Up - The fact that champions can return in following rounds makes this so much better.
#4 Blather Round - Depending on how bad your friends are this can be hilariously frustrating in the best ways.
#5 Devil in the Details - This doesn't work at all imo, the weakest of any jackbox game to date.

started getting mid at this point. this one still has some fun ones tho

white people when jackbox party pack 7 is at the function

CHAMP'D UP - 1/1
Potentially the best drawing game Jackbox has to offer where players draw complimenting characters with obscured information to battle them out. It has remarkable pacing leading to a 1-2 punch of a hilarious drawing following up with something even funnier to bring the punchline home.

A ridiculously fun guessing game where you have to discern a person's prompt based on hints they piece together using a fixed bank of words and sentences, it's incredibly replayable, but also quite cozy as a downtime game.

QUIPLASH 3 - 0.5/1
As I've said in other reviews, sequel games only get as much as 0.5 stars for me as they always feel like underwhelming filler, Quiplash scrapes on by on the basis of being good however you play it, but it feels extremely unneeded here.

WarioWare with a touch of teamwork and yelling, Devils is a fun and chaotic time and feels incredibly satisfying to play on its higher difficulties.

Before starting Talking Points, you have to make a list of presentation titles that will get shuffled amongst your friends, and straight away it's already one of the funniest games in Jackbox, it's tricky to convince people to try it as it takes a lot of improv, but the outcome is never disappointing.

honestly i think this is the strongest jackbox party pack.. not my favorite but I cant name a single game from this pack where im not having a really good time

every game is awesome apart from devil and the details

The best Party Pack and its barely even a contest. Quiplash 3, Champ'd Up, and Talking Points are pretty much my top 3 jackbox games. The other two (Devils + the details and blather round) definitely aren't as insanely good as the rest, but they're still definitely far from bad and you’ll have fun with them every once in a while that someone wants to play them. If you only want to buy a single party pack, this is easily it.

Look up "______" in the dictionary and there will be a picture of THE

3/5 of the games are amazing, the other 2 are kinda mid

My drawings look like they were made by a copy of fucking boom blox

here is my presentation for why guns should be legal

Best JPP. All games are fun, no exception. Quiplash 2 still better than 3 IMO, but The Devils and The Details and Champd Up are top tier Jackbox games.

A great pandemic game to continue playing on call with friends, or (god forbid) in person as well.
- Champ'd Up has some bomb ass music and fun drawing 5/5
- Quiplash is always great, 4/5
- Devil & Details & You is fun cooperative, fun with new set of players each time but not too much replayability 4/5
- Talking Points is just okay, requires a lot of players 2/5
- Blather Round is just okay, good for unfamiliar group of players 2/5

Great to play if you have friends, if not, its just sad... lol

I gotta try Talking Points soon, but Champ'd Up is phenomenal and Quiplash 3's last round is a lot more fun than 2's (although I really don't like the circus aesthetic).

this one is AMAZING if you're all playing in the same room, and champ'd up is the goat

- blather around is criminally underrated, especially if you're playing with a group of people who are autistic. trying to get people who have watched rocky horror picture show to guess rocky horror picture show when you yourself haven't seen rocky horror picture show? incredible. 5/5
- as with most /game-type/ jackbox games, devils in the details will attract a group of people who reallllly wanna win at it once and then not really play it again. 3/5
- quiplash is fun! the most simple game in this pack, but that definitely works for it. i don't know anyone who doesn't wanna boot this one up. 5/5
- champ'd up Okay we still haven't played this one but i REALLY WANT TO ok like joke pokemon. like draws sonic with a gun
- talking points is stressful. an impractical jokers prank of a game. trying to win just makes you less funny. keep it loose. 4.5/5

El calvo es un globo y sale de una caja.

- Quiplash 3: Es el tercer Quiplash y se nota. Quiplash por defecto es muy bueno, pero esta versión tiene una estética interesante y la ronda final es mucho más interesante que en los anteriores. 4.5/5

- Devils and the Details: Un juego cooperativo donde todos tienen que hacer tareas para subir un medidor grupal, pero también se pueden hacer tareas malvadas para ganar puntos personales. A mí me gusta bastante pero entiendo que a la gente no le guste. Requiere coordinación. 4/5

- Champ'd Up: Dibujas al campeón de "algo" y haces que compita contra un oponente para ser el campeón definitivo de ese "algo". Excesivamente bueno, al nivel de Tee K.O. 5/5

- Talking Points: Consiste en hacer presentaciones en cooperación con un compañero. Es muy bueno, pero dependes de que tu asistente no sea gilipollas perdido y que te toque buen material. 3.5/5

- Blather 'Round: Hay que adivinar un concepto o una persona a través de pistas que da un jugador. No está mal, el problema es que las pistas que se pueden dar son muy limitadas y muchas veces se requiere de creatividad para que se entiendan siquiera. 3/5

Puntuación total: 4/5

Heihachi Mishima vs El Chocho de Haruka

My friend coby draws really cool guys in the game champd up

Every game here is a great time with friends except for Blather Round. Blather Round is just so terrible, but Talking Points is easily the best game in this entire collection and is probably my favorite in the Jackbox series.