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And so comes to a close the other game on the PS3 God of War Collection I picked up, and I'm glad I did! This game is really everything a sequel should strive to be. It controls similarly but tighter. The puzzle and platforming has been tightened up a LOT. More bosses and better bosses. I honestly don't have THAT much to say about this given that I already have my God of War 1 review on here, but I'll give my thoughts on this nonetheless.

As previously stated, this is basically an improved version of the first game in every way. The level designed is really improved to make things better signposted (sometimes a bit TOO much and oddly sometimes not enough), with hidden items quite cleverly hidden. They're way more linear with less potential for confusing backtracking and levels that wrap around like the first game had. They flow much better, even if you're hunting for goodies. The puzzles are also a lot harder than in the first game. I never had to google a single thing for the first game, but there were like 4 or 5 puzzles I had to google the solution to (partly because they're relying on mechanics the game doesn't explain or doesn't explain well enough to apply, in my defense).

The combat is largely the same, but your sub-weapons have been changed up a bit. Two of the magic spells have been swapped out for new ones, and instead of the sub-weapon sword from last game, now you have a hammer and a spear (eventually), so combat can really get mixed up depending on how you want to focus things. This game has WAY more bosses in it, like 3 or 4 times more, as well as more enemy types. The combat has also been fine tuned a bit to just make it more fun, in particular dodging has been made easier to break other combos to do and quicker to recover from, and that just helps the pace of everything else SO much that it can't be ignored.

The presentation is also great. There's a lot more story in this compared to the first. Much more story, dialogue, and cinematics, as well as actually trying to add some kind of message to the story (although it's a fairly light one). Granted the first game's bar was basically touching the ground in regards to story, this game raises it more than it had to, and that's worth something I think. The music is also fantastic and especially the boss tracks really get the blood pumping. On top of that, perhaps it's just the PS3 up-res, but the polygon count on this game is incredible. This has to be one of the best looking games on PS2, bar none. Just the fact this game runs so well is an achievement on the hardware. If I were actually playing it on a PS2, I reckon smoke would be coming out of the back of it ;P

Verdict: Highly Recommended. The first God of War feels like a first try, but this sequel is exactly what a sequel should be. It is an all-around refinement of everything about the first game. Easily one of the best action/adventure games on the PS2, and something well worth checking out if you're into that kind of thing and can handle the (admittedly rather tame graphically by today's standards) violence involved in Kratos' enemy executions.

God of War 2 is still as great a game today as it was when I first played it. For a PS2 era game, the controls and combat all work perfectly well together. There are some really amazing boss battles in this game.

The one thing that kinda dips it for me now compared to when I first played it was just how many puzzles there were. As a kid I found them interesting, but now I was just meh about the puzzles.

But God of War II takes what God of War I did and improves on it in every possible way.

Gráficos e Áudio:

My only complaint about this game is that are still some enemies that are just annoying to fight against and I felt there was some urgency missing during some story parts.
Everything else was upgraded from the previous one, the voice acting, graphics, gameplay and story are all better here!
The boss battles and puzzles were so much better here too!
If there's a remake of GoW 1 and 2 coming I hope it's more of a visual-only remake and that they don't change a lot.
If you haven't played any GoW game yet please do so you can play this amazing game!!

Didn't enjoy this one as much as the first game but still a fun time.

the biggest zelda dungeon ever made with almost zero story

Jogaço, não lembrava o quão bom era esse jogo, melhorando praticamente todos aspectos do antecessor, como sempre uma trilha sonora extremamente marcante, uma das melhores do mundo dos jogos, e é um jogo com jogabilidade muito gostosa, boa o suficiente pra quem quer ser mais técnico e aprender cada nuance dos combates, e boa pra quem é novato em hack n slash. As armas secundária são bem melhores que a do primeiro jogo, e complementam bem o combate. A história perde um pouco da tragédia grega, porém muito acredito que deve se ao fato desse ser um jogo preparatório pro próximo jogo, a narrativa é construída nisso, porém ela é muito boa de acompanhar. As ambientações são mais variadas e compostas, ver um local de longe e depois de muito tempo chegar lá, da aquele sentimento parecido com dark souls, inclusive com algumas fases que dão a volta e terminam nela mesmas, fazem ter um level design muito legal. Jogaço, Kratos é um dos carecas mais memoráveis da ficção.

Outlasts its welcome by a bit and much like the first has some infuriating sections and awkward puzzles, mixed in with some annoying enemies in a lot of spots.
Its improvements are solid, but not enough to give it a higher rating than I gave the first. I enjoyed my time with it overall and would reccommend it if you enjoy action games.

Slightly better than the first game but has too many puzzles and it can get frustrating.

Último GoW da 6° geração e junto com o primeiro um dos mais absurdos em seu gênero, não lembrava o quão bom esse jogo era pra ser bem sincero, talvez pelo fato de ter jogado mais o 1°.

Em aspectos de gameplay a base e a mesma porém com mais armas, magias e combos. Os cenários variam bastante durante a gameplay e a história como a do primeiro é um absurdo de foda (aqui já vai mais pelo pessoal de cada pessoa, por mais que eu gosto muito das duas, ainda por muito pouco fico como preferida a história do 1°).

Ainda bem que na época a Sony optou por lança-lo no PS2, facilmente vejo esse jogo como um exclusivo de PS3.

I was always of the opinion that God Of War would've probably been really good as a one and done. A great tale of Kratos' tragic revenge that ends on a really strong note, and the game attached to it was pretty good, too! Haven't reviewed it yet, might be due for a replay at some point, but it's a good time with a few annoyances that kinda got under my skin. But, money talks, and God Of War got a sequel, because of course.

It's not quite the Devil May Cry 3 to GOW's DMC1, but I'll be damned if it's not a great sequel all the same! From the jump, you can tell the budget was upped significantly, with an increased focus on the setpieces, more weapons, more magic, the works. Mostly went through the game using the hammer, since the game's still somewhat held back by its on-the-fly weapon swapping being done via the pause menu to choose a dedicated second weapon, but even DMC3 wasn't able to go all out with that, so I get it. Plus, the hammer was a really fun weapon to use, anyway, so hey, swings and roundabouts.

The crunch of the original's combat is still there and accounted for, regardless of your weapon of choice, and I really do love the grab system. Between the i-frames, ground and air options, it's one of my favourite parts of GOW's combat system as a whole. When you're whacking shit around, GOW2's a grand old time. Makes me honestly wish there were a few less puzzles; I'm not against action games that try to give you some stuff to do during the downtime, and the puzzles themselves are pretty fleshed out. But man, I wouldn't have minded a chance to kill a few more mooks.

But a lot of the gripes I had with GOW1 back when I first played it are still kind of around. The platforming sections are kind of annoying, with Kratos' jumps being a bit too loose for my liking. That was where most of my deaths came from; skill issue, sure, but it was kind of a groaner having to go to the "YOU DIED" screen and load from the checkpoint. I also wasn't super into most of the bosses. Not to say they were all bad, the battle with the Fates and the final battle against Zeus were really great! But a lot of them fall into the puzzle boss camp, where you're more focused on figuring out how to damage them at all, or the tried, true and not very fun "giant boss in front of the ledge" archetype. I personally prefer my action game boss fights to be simple, fun punchups in a basic arena, which is why Devil May Cry, No More Heroes, Assault Spy and God Hand's bosses have always struck more of a chord to me than GOW, Bayo and Ninja Gaiden. That's more a personal thing, but more bosses like Zeus would be great! Lemme fight a dude 1V1 without an invisible wall blocking us, that's the shit I'm all for!

Small complaints aside, though? Yeah, GOW2's a damn good sequel! I'm already kinda eager to go back, given there's so much to the combat I kinda had to let sit; weapon and magic upgrades I didn't get, weapons I should've used more, the whole shabang that makes me really wanna revisit an action game. A solid time, and one I'm hoping is succeeded in even better fashion with GOW3!

Big improvements as a sequel should have but only enough to make it a more fun God of War with the same issues I had with the original

Surpassed the first one in every aspect. Great sequel.

jogão esse aqui, é incrível como atualmente sua gameplay ainda é fluida e responsiva. Acompanhar toda a jornada do Kratos em busca de vingança enquanto ele cada vez mais vai perdendo a sua mente é sensacional, e o clímax do final é absolute cinema.

Quebrou o Quadrado do meu controle

banger demais, jogo extremamente bom. Combate muito superior ao gow 1, sendo uma sequência honorável. Mas se eu tenho uma crítica, é que acho a história do gow 1 melhor, principalmente pelo personagem do Kratos. Mas isso eu relevo pois o jogo tem áreas extremamente bem feitas e criativas, juntamente com um arsenal bem melhor e mecânicas mais polidas. Enfim, peak 10/10

When the only mortal ever to kill a deity asks for a lobotomy, maybe you should indulge him.

I liked this game way more then the first one. Smoothened up the gameplay by little movement tweeks like adding a perfekt block/parry move and it feels like combat flows better in generel. Also for me it never felt like the game had any lenghts or tedious segments.

Quando era criança não consegui zerar GOW 2 por causa que jogava em um vídeogame pirata mas depois de um tempo consegui zerar, é posso dizer que foi muito bom finalmente zerar, pretendo jogar o GOW 3 que nunca joguei.

This is my least favorite God Of War game but still an amazing game its absolutely phenomenal especially the second half when we see that kind of vengeful god kind of Kratos fully take hold its a really fun game too with some more improved gameplay and yeah just still a great game I love it a lot.

Evoluiu MUITO o primeiro jogo, foi nesse jogo que demostrou que essa saga seria uma das mais importantes e melhores da indústria.

I finished my replay of Gow 2

I have to say this game still holds up surprisingly well, it does have rough edges tho.
The story, voice acting, level design, gameplay, and puzzles these are the things that still hold up pretty great to good, there were parts of this game where i was genuinely shocked at how much they achieved on ps2, the set pieces the interconnected levels, the platforming it is certainly one of the peaks of game design, and this ost man this shit is as goat and memorable as the soft reboots.

Visuals are aged quite a bit tho, given it's a PS2 era game, but the art style is still there, and the bigger-than-life vision of devs is banging to say the least.

But hands down the most aged aspect of this game, which can become annoying at times, are its bosses, the dodge and block are not versatile and responsive enough to tackle some of these bosses' moves, and to top it off this fixed camera doesn't help either lol.

Even with this boss unbalancing issue, this is certainly one of the best game created and hands down the most fun (occasionally annoying) game, I have a blast on this replay.

Solid 9/10.

side note man if this game would ever get a remake(not that it requires it) the amount of shit they can achieve without PS2 holding it back and unraveling the full vision of these bigger and amazing levels it would be phenomenal, to say the least