Reviews from

in the past

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when i first played this game i thought it was a slog to get through, but the more i played, i got pretty fascinated with it. i was interested with how the beginning 'h scenes' don't even have actual sex at times but focuses on consensual sadomascochism instead. it's something i haven't seen in the time i've been playing visual novels and i've been playing them since i was in middle school at least! some visual novels use gore as a horror or a pure sexual act (with everything shown) but this is the first game where i've never seen anything like that.

i've only played rei's route, but i have a massive bias towards them out of all the romantic interests (so far). there's only one thing i dislike currently about the game (and rei's route) . why did they take the transgender allegories out by the end AND CUT THEIR HAIR? let rei be trans!!! even if there's no canon allegory (which i could understand because it seemed like another chihiro or naoto situation where there's heavy debate), rei does not look hot with a buzzcut. at all... at least it's grown back by the drama cd but talk about horrifying.

still going to keep playing this. and who knows, i might alter the review when i beat the entire game.