Reviews from

in the past

great game but gets grindy sometimes yk

"Agora você partirá entre as estrelas, e eu ficarei dentre as areias. Nós somos diferentes, mas nós vamos...juntos." Preciso falar mais alguma coisa?

my favorite survival game oat

Jogo muito bom, mais é uma pena que eles não fizeram um modo multiplayer oficial até hoje.

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A world.

Entrancing. Enrapturing. Humbling. Terrifying.

How long did I peer from the shallows at the massive Reefback, imagining all the scary things it could be or do, before chancing a closer look and finding it was docile all along?

How often did my hackles raise when crossing open water, even when I had already explored the area and found nothing hostile?

And then, how often did I spot creatures in the deep that justified my paranoia?

Subnautica is not just the best survival-crafting title. It's not just the game of the year.

It's the game of the decade.

(Originally played and reviewed in 2019)

i wish i could play this for the first time again

literally hate thisd game so much

Good game stopped paying now i know what the game is about an the motivation is gone

I cried a little when I looked down and just saw deep dark nothingness

The game has the word "character" scribbled all over it. One of the most unique environments in gaming at the time, and still feels like it today. Playing it for the first time is an absolute treat, and something I think everyone should be able to experience.

silly little ocean survival game make brain go brrrr

Au début, j'étais mi-figue mi-raisin, puis j'ai eu le malheur de perdre 3h de progression, car les sauvegardes sont manuelles ce qui m'a totalement démotivé de continuer. Puis 4 mois après par ennui, je l'ai relancé et à partir de là, c'est partir. Une fois que j'ai eu un accès plus simple aux ressources et que j'ai pu laisser ma créativité s'exprimer pour construire des bases, j'ai pris mon pied. L'histoire est sympathique même si je l'ai suivi plutôt en diagonale. Seul regret et de ne pas avoir eu ce sentiment de peur vis-à-vis des Léviathan ou autre, j'essayais plutôt de les scanner ou de les fracasser au couteau. Au final une expérience très intéressante, mais que je ne recommanderais pas a tout le monde sachant que le côté survie et farm est très présent.

I accidentally played the sequel first and was looking forward to this one being better and also scarier like people say. that is not the case

my GF watches me play, but it hurts my head sometimes

tenho talassofobia, nao consigo ir alem da bulbzone sem me cagar nas calças, mas ALGUM DIA EU SUPERO ESSE MEDO

I am still terrified, but great experience

Never in my life have I gone from chill, sitting in my base to utter fear so fast in a game. Good job devs.

não consegui zerar, não consigo jogar direito no controle

i have an intense fear of open water

This is the awesomest game ever

good game just dont play with co-op mod very annoying mods

I wish I could erase my memory and play it again...
for the 1st playthrough, it's the GOAT of its kind

honestly scarier than most horror games

Seems unfinished honestly. Although this game has moments that wow me the quality of it overall really shocks me. How this got out of early access I don't know

Me gusto mucho el juego pero tenia sus problemas. La idea estaba ahi y era muy buena pero no pudo ser perfeccionada. Juge este juego 4 veces hasta que la cuarta me dio por finalmente terminarlo.

El juego comienza muy fluido y las primeras 5-15 horas no vas a poder de parar de jugar. Hay demasiadas cosas que explorar y craftear. Pero despues llegas a un estanco en el juego donde te sientes como medio perdido y confundido. Esto se pasa porque el juego literalmente no te explica nada (cosa que algunos supongo que prefieren pero en mi caso no). Y en este punto dejas de poder avanzar y baja la velocidad y intensidad del juego drásticamente.

La historia vale callampa, es interesante pero osea estai en un mundo alienigena solo y seria osea la trama no es el punto fuerte.

Ultima cosa, este juego tiene caleta de suspenso y terror diria yo. Osea yo le tengo caleta de susto a los cuerpos de agua grandes y vacios y aca con tiburones de 80 metros en la oscuridad mas rapidos q la chucha da susto y le daban mucha mas seriedad a la exploracion lo cual se aprecia.

It's buggy, but damn is it fantastic.

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The Sea Emperor is SO beautiful!!! And SO large!!!