Reviews from

in the past

Yet another one of the somehow-legal-crack-cocaine-on-Steam-store roguelites, on par with Vampire Survivors with how good it pumps the ol' dopamine drip and eats the time allocated to your responsibilities, social life, and hygiene.

Its pool of mechanics is concise, shockingly well-balanced for a game in early access, and, as of 20 hours of game time, still producing new results every run. In sheer variety of approaches, Tiny Rogues easily beats Vampire Survivors, and gets close to such giants like Isaac and Dead Cells. The interaction between skills gained on level ups, innate character abilities (and there are so many characters), equipment, and consumables is really rich and varied, and makes planning a build a delight each time.

The tiny SNES-like action of the game is, again, shockingly satisfying, dynamic and, unlike Vampire Survivors, never lets you just kick back and enjoy the show. The first 5 levels or so are usually very breezy, but they let you focus on perfecting your build. The later levels are the real test of both the build and your skill, where the bullet hell aspect of the game comes through full force.

The only downside is that the game pretty much doesn't have any lore or story. It has a cute 8-bit aesthetic and even cuter homages to Dark Souls, but that's the extent of aesthetic engagement. It's so fun, that you don't actively notice it, but I imagine it will impact how much I remember of the game and how much I'm willing to return to it after, say, 40 hours.

It's a decent rogue like, love the art style and the build variety was also pretty nice

Really good weapon based roguelike. Really substantial amount of content for the price

After a couple successful runs I think I can mark this as completed but I'm going to keep coming back to this.

Tiny Rouges is really great. It's a mix of elements taken from Binding of Issac, Hades, and Enter the Gungeon but with it's own spin mechanically on all of them. It's got really satisfying gameplay and a huge amount of variety in builds and characters and a great meta progression system, and this is all even more impressive considering it's still in early access. This game offers more than most similar rougelikes manage at a fraction of the price.

I will say that I don't think i'm insanely skilled at this kind of game, but I found myself clearing it really easily. The game uses some kind of 'smart loot' system to make sure items that drop are related to existing items you already have and that is cool because it means less garbage RNG determining if your run is a total waste, it also means you get god-tier runs really regularly, making them feel a lot less special.

It's weakest aspect might just be it's identity. It's just sort of a generic fantasy with some loose Dark Souls references. It doesn't really have an identity to call it's own and I feel like that's a large part of why it's slipped under the radar.