Reviews from

in the past

Nope. Hate this game. The aesthetic doesn't work. Your character moves annoyingly slowly and feels a little floaty and unreliable. The writing is in basic english like a kid wrote it, and is not at all funny even though it wants to be. The game's oldschool in every way I hate; having to stand around and wait for stompy architecture to open up for you, moving even more slowly through water, slipping around on ice cubes with tricky jumps. And, of course, the game has to thoughtlessly throw in Dark Souls' "soul patch" so you have to go get your money after you die, except they didn't realize that From almost always makes it easy to just dash past enemies and grab your souls if you don't want to re-do entire sections (with the risk/reward scenario you might be making the area very dangerous by not killing everything you alert).

This game just has you tediously plodding back to the same room, constantly feeling frustrated worry that you're going to lose thousands of the stupid name they gave the money. It's called shpregi or something dumb like that. Worst of all, though, is that this game doesn't have the sense to move your "soul patch" if it lands in a very awkward spot. If you die from an instadeath pit, well, you're not getting that money back because the "souls" are in the pit and not beside it. I slipped on an ice cube block, fell into an instadeath pit, went back to that room and tried jumping around on the block above the "souls" in order to trigger the magnetism. It refused, the game wouldn't let me have my 3000 shplorgybors back, I got hit by an enemy, died, quit to dashboard and uninstalled.

RATING: Love and Hate

Game with some clear passion behind it, but VERY questionable design decisions. Someone tried with this game, and I don't think they landed, but I'm hoping they can pull off something better next time