Reviews from

in the past

Steampunk London Setting? Check
A story of a young woman learning the truth of not only her life and place in the world but what it means to be human? Double check

A very solid otome game with an engaging, cohesive storyline and a lovable cast with a close dynamic! Recommended for those looking into exploring the otome genre.

I really needed this when I read it

van helsing my sopping wet dishrag failwife

I think this is one of the more well-known otomes for a good reason. A solid game for that genre. A really likeable protagonist, and a great dynamic between the group. The romances between Cardia and the available choices all have a different feel which is nice for variety. Compared to some other otomes I have read, the last route unlocked was a real nice treat here because it incorporated stuff from the other four routes in a nice way. Probably my major gripe would be loose ends that they likely address in future games, but I would have loved to have it in this one to make it more of a fuller package. But I guess they want my money (and I'll give it to them) lol.

Baby's first otome game. It's pretty alright with a generic story with some fun characters. Each route is pretty easy to follow because there's only like 5 options you have to choose right for each. Unfortunately, it's straight so my time w the franchise ended here.

this is a classic but i found myself having so much trouble focusing on the story. its not that its complex, maybe i was just getting bored.

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whole lotta mid till i get to Victor or saint Germain. i liked the development between Delacroix and Van tho that was pretty cool. also why did they make the mc out to be this super human hottie who was capable of holding her own but then she’s always the damsel in distress. like pic a fucking aesthetic damn.

The first Otome game I ever played! And I chose well. This one is a must play for any fan. I could write an insanely long review with all my thoughts, but it’s just fantastic. Like a lot of people I’m sure, Lupin is of course my #1. And I really think Cardia is such a fantastic protagonist… she can be a real badass! Even more so if you play the fan discs. My only complaint is that I do feel it was a bit too long. Lastly, I truly think this series has probably the most beautiful CGs of all the Otome games I’ve played so far, with Piofiore being a close second. They are just stunning. Wonderful music as well. Don’t miss this one!

The first otoge I ever played, and probably still my favorite. A classic. Eternal. Cardia the MC of all time.

Pretty, but too safe and sanitized, outside one particular route that feels like it's from an entirely different game. The true route also tries to nicely tie up too many loose ends, and most fixes it pulls feel unearned. Might have been slightly improved with a Queen route.