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in the past

Poor, random puzzle design and a questionable checkpoint system make this a very off putting experience

New Year's holidays are in full swing, which means it's time to start sorting out your gaming library. Dozens of new projects are released every day, so it’s worth keeping yourself in shape so as not to miss out on a lot of interesting things. My recent guest was the short adventure game Creepy Tale, which I had already played through in my time. Since my plans were to go through the entire trilogy, I didn’t want to miss out on the content of the first part.

The issue of children's fears is at the forefront of many horror works. Creepy monsters, darkness or the unknown - it is very easy to scare a child, because the world around him is huge and incomprehensible, and the absence of adults nearby creates a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. Often, few people can be nearby and stand up for a defenseless little person, so in many cases you have to rely only on yourself.

The heroes of our story today also did not expect to get into trouble, but they did not have to choose. An ordinary walk through the forest in search of mushrooms turned into a terrible shock for two brothers and led them straight to mortal danger that loomed over the entire area. Evil has settled in the heart of the forest, abducting children at the hands of terrible giant monsters rotting alive who do not take other people's lives into account. Our brother has been captured by these creatures and there is no one around to help us. Therefore, it was on our fragile shoulders that the difficult mission of saving our brother fell. We cannot abandon our loved ones, which means it’s time to fight back the forces of evil.

Before us is a short quest where we will play the role of a little boy. Finding ourselves in the forest at the wrong moment, we witness the abduction of our own brother by terrible creatures and now our task is to find him in the dense thicket and rescue him from captivity. Our hero does not have any special abilities or skills, which means we will have to improvise. The dark forest is teeming with unfriendly creatures, so you will have to be vigilant. The gameplay consists of passing through limited levels in which we will have to look for tools and other available items to achieve certain goals. We have no health or stamina indicators, and besides, we are not able to protect ourselves, so any collision with ill-wishers will send us to a checkpoint. The game is replete with various puzzles and logic tasks, but they will not cause any problems for the average player, due to the presence of numerous tips.

Visually, Creepy Tale looks modest, but there is still something attractive about it. It feels like you are watching an old cartoon that is not subject to modern rules, so our attention will be presented to a wide variety of manifestations of cruelty. The main beauty of the game is that we can influence the events that take place and watch how evil gets what it deserves. I liked the soundtrack here, and the overall style pleased me with its folkloric quality. There is something from the Brothers Grimm in this game and it's great.

Creepy Tale is an excellent example of a laconic quest that manages to show the player everything planned in a short duration. No backtracking or pixel hunting - everything is extremely clear and on the surface. Of course, the plot here raises many questions, and the ending will not tell us anything, but it is precisely this understatement that will play a role in the future. The first part formed an excellent foundation on which future projects will be built. I liked what I saw and completed everything in one go. The puzzles are extremely clear, and the game events unfold quickly. A wonderful quest in the spirit of old fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm, which can give you a lot of impressions.

Oh boy, was that a waste of time...
First of all, it should've been called "Tale" because this thing is NOT creepy in the slightest.

The controls are clunky and very poorly thought out (using Z as the action key is a joke, considering that probably most people play this on WASD).
The sound effects are ridiculous and completely ruin the already weak "creepy mood" of the game.

The puzzles are annoying, relying entirely on a trial and error method. There is literally no hint on what to do, leaving you to click EVERYWHERE without any guidance. Sure, you can turn on tips in the settings, but they're still not really helpful in most cases.

Based on the unique graphics, I expected something much more immersive, atmospheric, and, first of all... fun.
Overall, it's a wasted potential. I don't recommend it unless it's on a -90% sale, and even then, think twice before buying this... thing.

Another simple title with a Grimm Fairy Tales style story with Mechanarium style play. A short game but a cool and creepy art style. Made me jump once, haha!

The visuals are fun, but there are some design choices that really hurt the game. When you use the interact button and aren't near something you can interact with it does a shuddering animation that discourages interacting with things that aren't obviously interactable. However there are moments that you need to hunt for interactables which becomes really unintuitive.

Pretty slow and not all that creepy. I adored the artstyle and music though. A couple of the puzzles were 100% obscure, so I had to use a guide. There were no hints at all that I could find, which is a shame, because the majority of them are quite clever if you look carefully. And do yourself a favor, use a controller; keyboard controls are super awkward.

Not far from a very basic point and click game. The SFX were the best part, play it with headphones.