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in the past

I'm going to take this 2.0 log seriously and conclude it here with the new release of 2.01 today. Cyberpunk 2.0 has been a long-time coming, and its arrival has been a mostly welcome one. While I enjoy many of the new, overhauled perks, cyberware, weapons, and graphical updates given to the 9th gen console versions, Cyberpunk 2077 still fails to live up to its initial promises years ago and still showcased several progress-halting bugs. Even on 2.01, bugs that have been present since launch are still permeating the game, with one quest in particular still completely locked out due to a car I need to enter being upside down.

When not locked out of critical content for my 100% playthrough, Cyberpunk 2.0 is a great time. Sadly, the ability to air dash around the map like some sky-gremlin only carries the game so far when you know real, full completion on a save file I've put nearly 100 hours into is expecting to be impossible at this rate...

Nearly three years after its release, the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update arrives to set up the well needed foundation for a brand new game experience to come with the game's first, and probably only, expansion DLC. This update has rebuilt a majority of the game, including a revamp of combat, completely new skill trees, a new cyberware system, proper police behavior and reactions to crimes, vehicle combat, UI rehauls, and more. Combat feels amazing between the weapon refinements and a ton of new abilities brought in through the skill trees, and the new cyberware changes, partly inspired by the anime, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, lets you sacrifice your humanity for more power. The game feels a lot more streamlined now, with much of the "looter shooter" aspects toned back, like changing grenades and healing packs to permanent, rechargeable abilities instead of having to amass a collection of items picked up from the world. The addition of vehicle combat, and armed vehicles, only adds to the amount of mischief you can get into, and thankfully, police have been redone to walk the streets and react realistically to crimes around them instead of teleporting in at the end of the block. For a completely free update, the 2.0 update has done a lot to make Cyberpunk 2077 feel like the AAA masterpiece title that it should have been in 2020.

Mesmo com seus VARIOS problemas e seu lançamento beirando sendo um show de horrores, não consigo odiar esse jogo. Amo esse mundo e esses personagens, me conquistaram quando joguei pela primeira vez em 2021 e me conquistaram novamente com esse Update, curioso para a DLC, jogo fenomenal que tem um lugar no meu coração.

"We did it, choom."

At long last I have climbed the mountain. I have visited Night City and I have seen V's quest to its fruition. I have bathed in a world that no longer cares about anything. A realm of pain, helplessness, and apathy.

Night City is an absolute nightmare.

But this shouldn't come as a shock. Anyone that's dabbled in the cyberpunk genre of literature can tell you that a future in which humanity has expanded beyond its physical limitations into realms of great power and imagination is also more often than not a hellish nightmare for the common person. Unfortunately for us, the developer team at CD Projekt Red has decided that you are not to be a common person - your V is to become a legend of the streets of Night City.

God. Somehow that's even worse.

Saddled with the left over AI construct of an anarchy-bent rock star and reeling from the death of your best, and perhaps only real friend in the city, Cyberpunk 2077 sends you on a quest for salvation in the world's worst city. The cops are overly aggressive, the people are incredibly hostile, and the city's run by morally and ethically bankrupt corporations that see you as a number instead of a human with a soul. It's a frustratingly somber experience in which you spend much of your journey preparing to embrace a death that you both didn’t earn and can’t avoid.


Luckily, in the game’s 2.0 update, which refreshes many of the game’s systems, this desolation is complimented quite nicely by a skill tree that allows you to largely customize your V to your liking. Is your V going to prioritize blades and hacking? Maybe they’ll focus their energies on chasing down the denizens of Night City in a frenzy with a massive hammer. Perhaps you want to craft a V that’s a master of all, king of nothing. Regardless, the revamped perk system makes each path you choose a superbly interesting one - my V specialized in shotguns and submachine guns, dashing around the city with a double jump that made their ability to unleash a bloodlust with a hammer even more terrifying. Combine this with a responsive movement and excellent gunplay and you have quite the formidable first person action game.

So, if the game has many compelling perks and excellent gameplay, why do I feel confident that it’s a three star experience for me? I suspect much of it has to do with the loneliness the experience inspired within me - many of the game’s dense, richly scripted side quests are largely transactional. Everyone is out to destroy someone else through carefully measured psychopathy or wanton destruction and no one seems to care when the population of city seems intent on murdering each other. Though the game insisted that I was good friends with these people, I felt our relationships, even with Panam, the nomad woman that my V developed a romantic relationship with, felt transactional - they’d keep giving me attention as long as I rolled in when they needed to dig them out of a jam. The only authentic relationship o felt during my experience was with Jackie Welles, whose presence is eliminated as quickly as it’s introduced.

I completed every major character side quest and much of the game’s other miscellaneous gigs and more often than not I felt like I was a tool for other’s survival. That feeling did not change as I completed the game’s main story quest. As a result, my Cyberpunk 2077 experience, though fun and engaging, left me quite literally feeling nothing. As V’s life was on the line, I simply didn’t care very much.

The weirdest part of it all is that I’m sure someday I will return to night city and have myself a completely different experience. There’s so much variety and richness here that I’m sure I’d be able to have a completely fresh experience. Till then? Cyberpunk 2077 has left me as cold as the streets of Night City as rain falls overhead.

Wonderful game. Just not what I need from video games in October of 2023.

Cyberpunk 2077 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın:
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın:

2.0 Güncellemesi
-Görsel kalite, ışıklandırmalar, yansımalar ve karakterlerin yüzleri çok daha gerçekçi ve hoş bir hale getirilmiş.
-Yeni yetenek ağacı sistemiyle oynanış ciddi anlamda değişmiş.
-Araçların sesleri değiştirilmiş. Ayrıca aracın aldığı hasarın görseli daha gerçekçi bir hale getirilmiş.
-Araç içi çatışma ve silahlı araçlar eklenmiş.
-Araçları hack'leyebilme eklenmiş.
-Yeni silahlar, giysiler, ekipmanlar ve araçlar eklenmiş.
-Polislerin yapay zekası değiştirilmiş. Eskiye kıyasla polisler çok daha tehditkarlar.
-Bazı şeylerin HUD düzeni değiştirilmiş. Arayüz daha sade ve hoş bir hale getirilmiş.

Oyun bu güncellemeyle asıl olması gereken forma ulaşmış durumda. Gelen güncellemeyle oyun neredeyse baştan aşağı değişmiş durumda. İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın Cyberpunk 2077 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın