Reviews from

in the past

I liked the concept of this game's story and the idea of a "choose your own adventure" type branching plot was also appealing, but unfortunately that's not what I got with Death Come True. The choices seem to mostly boil down to one correct choice and then paths that lead directly to death instead of alternate endings or routes. The story itself is overly expository, with at least one pretty severe info-dump, which makes it rapidly become predictable. The dialogue is often a little cheesy and when paired with some of the poorer quality effects gives the game a little bit of a cheaper feel. It's fine for what it is, but it's nothing special.

it's kinda entertaining, but i wouldn't say it was novel or even worth being a videogame, since all the choice system is really used for is like, intentionally and comedically forced cameo segments? lol.

something about it feels stripped back to be a viable product. like, from a director who loves these goofy old fmv adv games, you'd expect it to emulate them a little more in modern day, but static visual novels like 428 live up to that concept much more, despite being almost nothing alike those old games. and no, i'm not saying "kodaka plz direct 428 tier gaming," that game was lightning in a bottle. i'm just saying it's unfortunate what ideas might have been lost in development on this one, cause 2020 fmvgame sounds much more incredible than it is in this case.

i'm editing this in after the fact, but you know what? what the fuck was i talking about?
isn't it kind of crazy that a videogame director whose practically only made visual novels, directed a movie that doesn't suck ass? how the hell did that happen??? that's kinda awesome. bye.

Death Come True has a cool concept for an FMV game but I'm not a fan of the execution. It kinda feels like a watered-down choose your own adventure game (with only one major decision within the experience). However, the acting and cinematography were quite nice and I always enjoy work from the goat Kazutaka Kodaka aka the creator of Danganronpa. Overall it's more of an experience than a game you play imo.

played it for this hot looking gyaru girl and she was only in it for 5 minutes

Fairly inoffensive, but also aggressively not good. Considering Danganronpa's Kodaka was behind this, it could've been a lot more uncomfortable (but the mystery could've been more engaging, too). It's not the worst way to spend a whole couple of hours or less, unless you're epileptic, in which case you might genuinely die from all the erratic light effects.

cool concept but very lame when put into action...the choices seemingly have little consequence because it just rewinds you back and sometimes it forces you to choose the wrong option before taking you back and then revealing another option which is actually the correct one...the acting was a bit amateurish, not necessarily bad though and it was too short, there really just isnt much to it

Pretty solid game , if only I didn't play other games by the same director. But still an amazing game . Kinda sad not alot of people know about it

Really solid interactive movie. I agree with the comments that there isn't much in choices and branching but I guess it didn't bother me like it usually does in these types of games since I really liked the writing and acting.