Reviews from

in the past

I definitely respect GoldenEye more than I enjoy it. The music is incredible and there are some fun levels but I just wasn't having fun for a good chunk of it.

Music smokes, but the game after the first few levels takes a nose dive and becomes insanely boring. Just pull up the Q Watch v2.01 Beta and listen to that for an hour and you’re good. Perfect Dark is superior. Child me just never got far enough to realize this game was indeed not good.

impossível não dar outra nota que não seja 5* pra essa obra de arte. foi ótimo reviver esse jogo incrível e ainda com a possibilidade de jogar no portátil

That intro song alone is better than a lot of games i've played.

GoldenEye macht auch 2023 noch Spaß, auch wenn sich das FPS-Genre mittlerweile (zum Glück) sehr viel weiter entwickelt hat. Mit der richtigen Portion Nostalgie und wenn man das Spiel damals schon gespielt hat, macht es aber auch heute noch Spaß.

Fuck it felt so good playing this with a modern controller

I'll go back to playing more of this eventually but I hate how there are no healing items. And while the gunplay is fun enough, the movement or strategy to anything is non-existent. It's too slow and sluggish for my liking. I kept dying on the first level and there appear to be no checkpoints so I kind of just had enough eventually.

A shooter this old should not hold up as well as Goldeneye does, but this game is still incredibly satisfying to play, even more entertaining than most modern shooters on the current market. I think it accomplishes this due to the diversity of locations and objectives, sound design, and npc animations. While a few segments don't live up to the legendary status of this game, the highs it offers even to this day are incredibly commendable.

Mon jeu préféré de tous les temps que j'ai refait sur Xbox Series X, ils ont réussi à le moderniser avec les deux sticks contrairement à la Switch, je l'ai refini à 100%, oui ça a vieilli mais quel plaisir en 2023 ❤️❤️❤️

Why would I want to play an FPS with a controller? They should've added mouse and keyboard support.

I beat every level on secret agent (medium) except Egyptian since it is unavailable. I don't think I have the patience to grind this out on 00 agent level.

One of those games that will make you want to pull your hair out one second but then pop champagne the next. The throwback to a pre-checkpoint world can be extremely draining, but it makes the reward of beating the level that much sweeter.

such a goofy game, love the physics of the enemies rolling and jumping and flailing around. an objective marker toggle of some sort would have been nice, cause hell if I knew where the heck to go or do in some missions--especially when you can exit missions and still fail. more than once I exited missions without knowing it was the exit and had to restart the whole mission.

In 2023, a deal was finally worked for for re-releasing GoldenEye on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One/Series. While the occasion of releasing GoldenEye again should have been met with some effort and enthusiasm, what was got was….just acceptable.

On the Swich, it was released via their Nintendo Switch Online Plus subscription service, with the original ROM with some very minor differences – the unused textures for Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Timothy Dalton have been removed (incidentally, the orginal game ROM also contained unused Mickey Mouse graffiti textures that weren’t removed). Controls are a bit of a pain to set up, due to needing to use a mixture of both the in-game control settings and the Switch’s remapping. It does support online (with split-screen) via the service’s multiplayer emulation.

On the Xbox Series, the game is still running in an emulator, but with various enhancements. It supports up to 4K resolution textures, but the biggest change is with the controls. The game has full support for the Xbox controllers, with dual analogue as default. Reload and crouching now have dedicated buttons and you can have buttons for moving up and down through your weapon selection. It is lacking a handy way to rotate through gadgets like the unreleased XBLA version, though. I found the controls to work really well.

One minor change that did grab my attention was on Tran, where you have to use the watch laser. Usually when I play, Bond keeps crouching and standing up in an annoying way, but that section was improved here.

Unfortunately, that’s just it for improvements. The HUD and text hasn’t been given higher resolution textures, so the blurriness sticks out immensely when the game is running in a higher resolution. I also noticed a number of graphical glitches, such as cracks in the level on Surface and the “tree walls” having strange transparency. The menus (including the watch pause menu) don’t support widescreen, either.

For buying GoldenEye on Xbox Series, it’s a bit strange. If you go to the Xbox website, it will brag on about how this is included in Xbox Game Pass, you can’t buy the game on it’s own. However, if you have a digital copy of Rare Replay (which is a wonderful package and often on sale for £5), you can also download GoldenEye.

If you want a quick blast on GoldenEye and want an easy way to play it on Xbox, then this version is adequate. It’s just a shame as the game deserves so much more – and even more frustrating because a lot of the work for improving the game was already done by Rare for the cancelled XBLA version. Over 25 years of licensing issues finally solved and all we get is a low effort port.

Um jogo revolucionário e até hoje se mantém, tanto na gameplay, como na ambientação e soundtrack, adoro como esse jogo tem muitas set pieces marcantes que se destacam.

Música favorita: Frigate
Personagem favorito: James Bond

Playing this game was a constant flip-flop between "oh wow, this game's pretty good, I can see where all the praise comes from" and "Jesus Christ, this is some of the most annoying shit ever."
I certainly respect it from a historical standpoint, though.

Incrível como envelheceu bem. Continua incrível demais. Sei que é port mas podiam fazer so uns ajustes de qualidade de vida tipo dizer pra onde ir.

A disappointingly-barebones port that also frustratingly can't be purchased separately from the digital version of Rare Replay or an Xbox Game Pass subscription. A game this legendary deserved better.

É um cult, joguei muito com primos na infância, mas hoje se vê que ele tem problemas, tanto no level designe quanto no designe das missões. Já o gunplay ébom e a trilha impecável. 7.5/10.