Reviews from

in the past

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I played this game when I was 8 years old, it was just a random game that my mom thought looked fine and bought. I loved it. The story was funny, and mysterious and magical in a grounded way.

I remember finding the idea of building stuff like Violet fascinating, and having all that encyclopedic knowledge like Klaus so admirable. I now am a person who loves taking things apart and repairing them, and known among my friends as the one who probably knows the answer to whatever they are wondering.

It was such a good game for 8 year old me. I mostly remember little parts, like jumping over gaps with the flying shoes, or a part that took me many tries about shooting bad guys with a candy gun. But there is this one part where you need a string to build an artifact, and you have to get it from a piano. And the way you did that was by playing the piano so hard that it broke. Now I probably wouldn't find it hard to beat, but back then I couldn't get it, nor did my brother, so we asked help to our dad, who had played some games at some point and knew his way around a controller. He couldn't get it either, and I don't know how it came to be, but my mom ended up taking the controller, having never used one, and finally she was the one that cleaned that roadblock in the game for us. It is a big memory for the people in my house about doing something together.

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This game is an insult to the movie, let alone the books. The Story is the same as the movie, and there isn't enough changes to even be worth talking about. The Characters are the same as the movie, and the only changes are the dialogue between characters. The Graphics are bad, they are very cheap, as to be expected from games based on movies, who's concepts aren't enough to require a game in the first place. The Gameplay is that you go around the areas of the movie, finishing tasks to get to the next story point, now this could have been alright gameplay if the features they have of being able to build your way to complete your tasks had more creativity and freedom, instead of being linear, the movement didn't feel a bit spastic compared to better licensed games, and if all the things the game has you handle made sense, but it doesn't, this game includes having Sunny serf through areas the other kids can't fit, despite her not being able to do that, going from biting through simple materials to now include metal pipes, moments when her biting powers could have been used instead of what they go with, fighting Olaf's minions, even when he wouldn't want them to get in the way, and during times in later stages where simply knocking them out as you do, and bringing them inside will show that Olaf is an imposter, Monty's fourth trial sucks, because all you would have to do is pour water on the final plant and end the task much faster, and the finale has Olaf already announce that he has officially married Violet, so why would he bother keeping the certificate to be held in the play where Klaus can burn it, instead of taking it off stage and ending his troubles immediately? also why does the light instantly destroy objects coming towards you? it's a light source. The Music is from the movie, and it works where ever it is fitted and brings a bit of life into the bad gameplay. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Video Game is an unfortunate event in itself, worthy of a fourteenth book.

Still as big a delight to play this as It was back when It released and yeah, there's probably nostalgia googles fully on with It. Kid me couldn't beat the game but here I am completing It 100% with all unlocks In a day.

Some of the cast from the film do the voice work as well like Jim Carrey & Emily Browning but the showstealer Is Tim Curry as the narrator, Lemony Snicket.