Reviews from

in the past

Wave 1: 5.5/10 - Not the best start. The graphics are a noticeable downgrade from the base game, and the tracks selected aren't too exciting with the only highlights for me being Coconut Mall, Shroom Ridge, and Ninja Hideaway which is undoubtedly the best in this wave. On top of that Coconut Mall has been kinda Butchered, and Sky Garden is completely unrecognizable
Wave 2: 6.5/10 - Are You fucking serious with Mario Circuit 3?! That being said, the other courses in this wave almost make up for it, with Kalimari Desert, Waluigi Pinball, Mushroom Gorge and Sydney Sprint being Highlights. While being exciting and new, it's unfortunate that Sky High Sundae isn't a better race course. If it was, the score most likely would have been a 7. Also Waluigi Pinball should have gotten a new Remix.
Wave 3: 8/10 - This one is absolutely saved by 3ds Rainbow road. Other highlights include Maple Treeway (always a favorite), Peach Gardens (has an entirely new path in the 3rd lap, and is markedly improved graphically), and Berlin Byways (Specifically because of the music), however every other course is either just okay, or is London Loop, one of the most boring courses in the pass.
Wave 4: 9/10 - This pass has almost nothing but hits, with all but Mario Circuit DS being amazing courses, even the Tour ones. Yoshi's Island also gets a wonderful love letter in the form of a new track, which quickly became one of my favorites in the game.
Wave 5: 7.5/10 - I really wanted to give this one an 8 out of 10, but unfortunately, Sunset Wilds had to ruin its only gimmick, and the fucking thing for which it was named, by having no sunset. Also Koopa Cape is weirdly off in this version but I can't place why. That being said the entire feather cup is wonderful, with Moonview Highway being an especially pleasant Surprise, and Squeaky Clean Sprint actually being a really fun Course. Vancouver velocity in the cherry cup is good too, and I really like it's, and LA Laps music.
Wave 6: 9/10: Wii Rainbow road is Amazing. The best conclusion there could have been. Bowsers Castle 3 is how you bring back an older snes course (Take Notes Mario Circuit 3) and Madrid drive and Rome Avanti are surprisingly pleasant. DK Mountain is a nice surprise, but doesnt feel as impactful as it should, and why is Rosalina's ice world here?. Honestly the same goes for Daisy Circuit, but I really like the vibes of it so I'm more ok with it.

It’s really fun but, at first at least, it served as perfect proof that sometimes people defending something can be infinitely more annoying than people attacking it

More mario kart 8 what's not to like?

I admit more effort could've been put in updating the visuals to match the rest of the game, these are clearly just ported from tour with minor improvements, I also dislike certain changes like getting rid of the electric bars at the end of koopa cape.

But overall a solid package that just adds more tracks and characters, could've been a bit cheaper for what it is, but a good time nonetheless.

finally finished everything on 3* 200ccm.
I liked the tracks but they shouldnt have put a city track in almost every cup...

The tracks of the Pass are very unique and diverse in detail. Tracks pull from the history of the series, with popular and new tracks originating from different games. The different courses, especially ones from Tour, take many routes to reach the Finish Line, meaning that tracks feel lengthy yet keep the anticipation when racing with other players. The different tracks allow more fun with friends or online with so much to choose for each and every race.

The Booster Course Pass is definitely heavily carried by the strength of the original tracks' design and MK8DX's solid mechanical framework (and massive active player base).

The actual tracks themselves, while on paper including a lot of fan favorite representation, are a real mixed bag in terms of how faithfully recreated or interestingly remixed they ended up being. Coconut Mall's garish color palette and unfaithfully represented ending segment, Sky Garden's completely unrecognizable layout, Sunset Wilds' lack of setting sun, and numerous courses' janky halfpipes, flat grass textures or overly simplistic geometry make certain courses feel like cheap imitations of the originals or disappointing specters of what could have been.

At the end of the day, though, the majority of the courses are fun to race on, and the amount of variety added definitely felt worth the relatively low cost of entry (especially "free", if you're already subscribed to NSO anyway). And for what it's worth, the one aspect they definitely didn't skimp on was the music; the new tracks and remixes are right on par with the original 8's soundtrack!

It's a collection of half-baked Mario Kart Tour stages rushed out to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. An hour of gameplay will quickly remind you that the stages they made a decade ago are still perfectly good options to play with instead.

Don't feel bad if you don't have this thing. I have it and it barely made a difference to my life.

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Doggy doo doo

When it comes down to it, the new courses are excellent. Remade versions of existing Mario Kart courses are fun, too, and take advantage of shifting tracks and routes. Each lap is often different, carrying one surprise after another. This expansion doesn't do much else when it comes to the mechanics of 8D. Once again, the CPU is lacking. It's abundantly clear that it can't keep up at higher speeds and so relies on barrages of items. There are better ways of making a player feel like they have to battle to get through a race, but they're not to be found in Mario Kart.

Les 4 primeres copes que es van publicar no eren molt allà, encara que només per tindre més Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ja donava gust jugar-les.

Ara... Les següents copes han anat sent cada vegada millors. A banda, encantat del que han fet amb les pistes de Mario Kart Tour, tenint una ruta diferent a cada volta. Només lamente que haja quedat fora un circuit del Tour (i que la Flying Fortress no l'hagen dut).

Un meravellós DLC al que he gaudit traure *** a totes les copes i modalitats.

Overall a hell ofa mixed bag.
Best edition's the new characters tbh.

nintendo stop thinking we like mario kart tour

I think it was a good decision to double the amount of tracks rather than create a new Mario Kart. The game is awesome and the new tracks made me explore it more, with the same excellent mechanics. Now Nintendo can work on the next Mario Kart for the Switch's successor.

I dislike being harsh on what is an objectively good thing (more Mario Kart), but I'm disappointed in the inconsistency shown with some of these tracks. While the music remains as great as it always is - the muted color palettes and plastic-like textures that make up a majority of the tracks are below the standard set by the main game. Still got more Mario Kart though

Good track selection, fun selection of characters.

Only bought mk8 because of wii rainbow road


All BANGER courses. Maybe all-time favorite Mario Kart tracks. Except maybe Rainbow Road (Wii), I actually hate that track. But like, how could you not include it?

Yoshi's Island has gotta be my favorite new track, by far. So much love for that series is reflected in it.

But those Mario Kart mobile game tracks are straight ASS. I understand the mobile game auto-steers for you. I'm not really sure how that works as a video game, but it really shows in the track design. And they make up like 1/4th of the DLC.

dino dino jungle should've replaced dk mountain. shit is the exact same as dk summit but way less fun, and dino dino jungle literally has a freaking dino sooooo checkmate.

It’s not bad the more the better I guess

I have no idea why, but for some reason, every time I play one of Tour's tracks, I nail it, I’m not even close at being the best Mario Kart player at my friend group but I always land first in those… never in my life I’ve been so disappointed for being good at something.

This was actually the very first thing I played this year, going through all the cups with some friends on the night of January 1st, however, I decided to hold on talking about since I knew I wanted to get gold and experience them myself alone ‘cause I l knew that playing one after the other in one night while having a laugh will pals would be a completely different experience from slowly taking the courses in and playing them all in other while trying out the online and even more of the co-op, and boy oh boy was I right.

One thing I’ll give the Booster Course Pass as a whole is that is a joy to play through with friends, I mean duh, this is Mario Kart after all, but still, compared to other games in the series or even base Mario Kart 8/ 8 Deluxe, this is one of the few times where it feels wrong to not play at least three or four cups in succession when being with some pals. At first, I thought the reason for it was simply because of the novelty of the but after playing this whole thing in order I see the hold this can have; it’s almost addicting playing this whole thing, and ironically, I feel partly of that is because how poorly it starts off.

Wave 1 of the DLC is the single most underwhelming Mario Kart experience I’ve ever had; the track selection is mediocre at best and actually baffling at worst, visually it’s a far cry from the base experience —tho that can be said about the whole DLC or at least most of it, but it does get better as it goes on so there’s that—, some of the changes in the returning courses either don’t make anything to make them more interesting or at times they are for the worst, and to be completely honest, they couldn’t have picked a worst selection of courses from Tour to start things off, the first impression they give is abominable… but it actually gets real good real fast.

I imagine those that paid for the DLC day one must have had the sour taste way longer, but as someone that played the whole thing at its complete state, it’s super surprising just how much everything improves, to the point that by Wave 3 and onwards, the only Cup I’d call ‘’weak’’ is the Cherry Cup, and even then, it’s still pretty fun at times.

The selection of returning tracks gets better and better, the visuals and specially the sounds are even more of a joy with each passing cup, hell, even tho I started this review mocking them, some of the later Tour tracks were pretty stellar! And we even get some new playable characters which, in my opinion, round the roster perfectly, and I couldn’t be happier to finally see ma boi Wiggler playable again, and we finally have Petey and King Boo in the same game again! The boys, together at last!

The new courses couldn’t have surprised me more for the better oif they wanted to; there are some on the weaker side like the Ice Cream one, but Yoshi’s Island alone is probably in my top 5 of favorite tracks in general, and hell, as much shade as I’ve thrown Wave 1, Ninja Hideaway isn’t that far off either, and it alone makes the first two cups much more bearable.

The joy of returning to the Rainbow Courses of old, seeing so many new places and the returning ones given some pretty amazing changes (running on the rails of Kalimari Damazy was simply amazing), there’s something in here that shows nothing but care and passion, and makes me wish they could have had more time in the oven from the start, ‘cause most of this is truly excellent.

There are still flaws; it relays too much of city courses, every GBA course remake feels like a flip coin between it being the best thing ever or total bullshit, there are some major omissions while also other tracks that would have benefited from some changes… but at the same time, no other collection of tracks has left me and my friends wanting for more, to play more, to see more great courses or the promise of better ones in future cups.

At worst is middling or disappointing, but at best is stellar and pure fun, kinda makes me wish we also go more Battle Courses honestly, we got a entire race course based on a bathroom, so imagine the possibilities!

Also, now that the URSS is canon in the Mario Universe, by proxy that means all bootleg Mario games released on the Dendy also are. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, Somari will appear in Mario Kart 9 for sure…

THEY DOUBLED THE ORIGINAL GAMES SIZE AND IT'S AMAZING! The only issue is that the graphics aren't as good as in the base game but that's like a small issue. Still easily one of the best expansion passes of all time.

Only marred by the absurd number of Tour courses and minimal new courses. If you like Mario Kart and have any nostalgia for any of the previous games, this is a must play.

(The Wii Rainbow Road on 200 cc really had me in its grips for like an hour and a half lol.)

They Remembered Rosalina's Ice World exists...I am truly shooked.

see my mk8d review for thoughts on the actual game

i've gotten wild amounts of value out of my time with this dlc & expect to continue building upon my times in each of the new 48 tracks in the future. similarly with the base game, time trials offers me so much to work toward, in finding that perfect build & hacking away each possible millisecond in order to get what feels like a good pb.

graphically, its clear which courses came in 2017 & which came more recently, with blander textures & less "lived-in" spaces. this gripe could cover for the feeling that the track choices weren't the best - a disguised feeling of poor tracks actually revealed to be tracks that weren't taken care of as they could've been. tour tracks are a welcome addition as somebody that hasn't played tour, though.

What started off weak slowly became amazing. While pretty much all the courses featured are ripped from Mario Kart Tour, playing them in Mario Kart 8 is so much fun!

Every course picked plays wonderfully in 8. There are some issues however, the most obvious one is the graphical quality in waves 1–3, but waves 4–6 almost look as good as the main game. Halfway through the DLC, Nintendo just started adding new characters.

The Booster Course Pass makes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe not just the best Mario Kart game, but one of the best games of all time. I could not wish for a better send-off to one of my favourite games of all time.

It’s hard to fumble Mario Kart. Fun and thriving settings along with catchy music is an immediate sell, and this DLC absolutely accomplishes this. Fumbling a few courses along the way, the overall result was enough to revive the game, keeping me engaged for many months.

Most of these tracks frickin blow. At least it got me playing Mario Kart again, but dang this was pretty disappointing considering what we got.