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The ending pisses me off. It tries to make you question Max's moral stance by guilt-tripping her for everything she's done and how her powers ruined everyone's lives. But like... isn't that the exact opposite of what I have been doing this entire game? I have used Max's powers for nothing but the good of others, so what is there to chastize her for? That one time I COULD have chosen to let her kiss Chloe?
And wether or not you choose Bay or Bae, they're both horrible endings. Either let everyone die and pass it off with sappy music or erase all character development that you just dedicated an entire playthrough of this game to? Fuck off! At that point, your opinion on Chloe barely even matters.

Here's an idea: What if there was a way to gain a third option, by say, the optional photos you can take throughout the game? They don't actually give you any kind of reward, so wouldn't that have been the perfect opportunity to let the player have the best ending based on how well they interacted with the story? The amount of photos you took based on the lives of all these people you've come to bond with could've decided how well you've proven your worth to save at least that amount of people. Hell, even if the only way to gain the one good ending was to take every optional photo in the entire game, it could've recontextualized the the time travelling motif by strengething the connection between player and player character, reliving the story like Max reliving the past to gain the best outcome. Yeah, it would've been some Warrior Within-type bullshit but it would still be infinitely better than what we got!

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
