post-bait and switch videogaming. bleeding hearts & recycled content. why are there so many clock puzzles. this game 100% expects you to have a guide for the sidequests. how am i supposed to find all this stuff. why does it not show you which wild artefacts you got. i had to play a long stretch of story content twice because i needed to beat a boss for the bestiary. the slots fragment is so stupid. blablabla i love this game if it had been designed by a human being it'd probably be 5 stars

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

sooo much dumb side content but it's really charming and the combat is fun. beating yomi made me feel like a god gamer. the trimmed fat compared to xiii makes the main narrative flow better and the new characters are all good. i love time travel bullshit, i wish there were more x maps. alyssa is my opp. im gonna sample mog saying bad luck kupo on a song. the flan ending blew my mind. the paradox ending where you say you'll stay is so moving. i choked up at some random line early on, didn't cry at the ending like many apparently did but it was sad. good stuff