stuck in a perpetual state of "a little too much writing", too long overall, but pretty cool for what it is, anyway. the deliberately confusing at points plot is too much so but i appreciate the ambition and it hits in many moments. the final mission in specific is pretty tv show finale-y but in an actually sweet way

the characters not called nag'molada who's just a vaguely funny prick and louverance who's just nothing (though apparently there's more context for him in optional quests?) are all enjoyable, though the kids' bit gets repetitive in that one mission they have their moments, the shikaree sisters are fun, esha'ntarl has a strong presence (and she's bad as hell if you use your imagination a bit or see later official art of her), jabbos, ulmia, prishe, tenzen are all compelling. wasn't as moved as many seem to have been and this is def not one of the best narratives i've seen in gaming but it is good!

visually the cutscenes are mostly a step above serviceable, with a few more striking moments like when carbuncle shows up (carbuncle is super cute!!), but then randomly on chapter 8 they decide to go hard as fuck? (SPOILERS) winged selh'teus, promathia look badass, (SPOILERS OVER) the locations are cool as fuck, the shot composition game goes up. what the hell? it basically suddenly becomes cinema. i'm not complaining i just wish it went that hard more often hahah.

gameplay and presentation wise it's ffxi (so i like it well enough and it's got cool vibes). though they didn't add new jobs or anything here and with the level cap lifted it's a pretty easy task for 99% of it for a lvl ~80 character. i died once on the final boss due to getting silenced and other times elsewhere due to stupid mistakes, and i think that's it. the cutscene strings that happen a bunch of times really reinforce this walk and read nature instead of being more efficient wrt putting you to kill some creatures. i think rotz struck a more elegant ratio between talky and gamey bits but it unquestionably has a less interesting cast/narrative, besides cornelia on bastok missions rank 6 onwards who i love. anyway it's good! cute ending!

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024


2 months ago

the boss rush bit is really neat, i liked taking the manaclipper, ??? warmachine is super funny, louverance is nothing but the doppelganger is funny too. bloated but many good moments

2 months ago

the directions get a bit less vague for this one but ofc you'll still use a guide

2 months ago
