peak fnaf gaming, even if it is a little too unfair at times.

for the first game in the series, it was a really solid entry. wish the nights were faster but overall really solid

the campaign on a gameplay level is phenomenal, better than witch queen in my eyes. strand is great and really fun to use. story kinda fell flat, especially after the bombshell that was the previous expansion's story. still a solid expansion that gets way too much hate.

peak destiny imo, no dlc has ever been this good all around. great campaign, great story, great raid, great aesthetics, great gameplay changes and just great overall. set the new bar for expansions.

pretty fun expansion, losing half the game sucked though. stasis rocked on launch even if it was a bit too strong. sunsetting was one of the worst ideas bungie ever came up with at the time but the rest of the year starting with season of the chosen is/was peak destiny season.

2nd best expansion ever conceived, only being bested by witch queen 4 years later. so many good changes that should've been there from launch such as the improved weapon system, stronger and faster abilities and improved leveling system. gambit was nice (until they killed it) and the new focus on delivering high quality content on a semi-consistent basis was great to see. too bad they gutted this expansion in 2020/21 but i still remember how good this expansion and following year of content was.

y1 was straight garbage lmao, made me quit until forsaken. completely awful decisions were made and it's a miracle the game lived past this point. double primary, completely awful time-to-kill, slow and pretty useless abilities + locked skill trees for said abilities was truly awful and i'm glad they course corrected a year later.