After playing Arkham City, I came back to this original title that started this whole thing 15 years ago. This was actually combined with City as my first experience with any one of the Batman: Arkham series games and its just as great as fans say it is. The controls were great as you move Batman through the asylum, defeating enemies along the way. Plus, the graphics are ahead of its time even though it came out in 2009 (normal) and 2010 (Game of the Year). The boss fights against various Batman villains like The Joker or Scarecrow are all pretty awesome and inventive in their own way.

Sure, it doesn't have the enhanced graphics of the later remakes on all 8th gen consoles and Switch or the ability to play as The Joker (if not playing on PS3), But, sometimes it's the original version that's the best because it's classic. With the first version for 7th gen consoles and PC, that statement is true in a nutshell just like its sequel, Arkham City.

It should go without saying, but all Batman fans should buy this game for any one of the compatible versions or the remakes later on (Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Long story short, I can't wait to play more of these Arkham games in the future including Origins hopefully on my Xbox via backwards compatibility. Nice job Warner Bros. Games and Rocksteady Studios. Continue to keep up the good work on this series with City, Origins, and beyond. 5/5.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
