1. Gameplay

Bright Memory: Infinite combines first-person shooting with hack-and-slash mechanics, aiming for a fast-paced, adrenaline-filled experience. While the concept is intriguing, the execution falls short. Combat feels clunky and unrefined, with awkward transitions between shooting and melee attacks. Enemy AI is simplistic, leading to repetitive and unchallenging encounters. The game's mechanics promise depth but deliver a shallow and unsatisfying experience.

2. Graphics and Atmosphere

The game boasts impressive visuals, with detailed environments and realistic lighting effects. However, despite its graphical prowess, the game's world feels lifeless and lacks the immersive atmosphere needed to engage players fully. The environments, while visually stunning, are linear and offer little exploration or interaction, making the experience feel hollow.

3. Story

Bright Memory: Infinite's story is convoluted and poorly told. The narrative, involving ancient relics and supernatural phenomena, is confusing and hard to follow. Characters lack depth and development, making it difficult to care about the plot or its outcomes. The disjointed storytelling detracts from the overall experience, leaving players more perplexed than engaged.

4. Length and Value

The game is remarkably short, with the main campaign taking only a few hours to complete. For a full-priced game, this brevity feels unacceptable, offering little value for the money spent. The lack of meaningful content and replayability further diminishes its worth, making it hard to recommend.

5. Innovation

While Bright Memory: Infinite attempts to innovate by blending different gameplay styles, it ultimately fails to deliver a cohesive or enjoyable experience. The game's ambitious mix of genres could have been a strong point, but poor execution and lack of polish hinder its potential. The innovations feel half-baked and do not significantly enhance the gameplay.

6. Sound and Music

The sound design and music are mediocre at best. The soundtrack is forgettable and does little to elevate the gameplay or enhance the atmosphere. Sound effects are generic, and voice acting is subpar, lacking the emotion and intensity needed to bring the characters and story to life.


Bright Memory: Infinite is a game that promises much but delivers little. Despite its impressive visuals, the gameplay is clunky, the story is confusing, and the overall experience is disappointingly short. The lack of depth, polish, and content makes it hard to justify its price tag. While the game's ambition is commendable, its execution falls flat, earning it a lowly 1.5 out of 5 stars.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
