Theres a lot to say about V3, but I'll keep it short (while also tacking another "why is the official eng translation so fucking bad" on here)

The gameplay is MASSIVELY improved upon the previous entries! Honestly, I've clocked ~200hrs on this entry alone just because of how enjoyable it is to play! The trial minigames have been streamlined and the worst ones no longer feel like a chore (I'm looking at you Hangman's Gambit). Walking around the overworld is also soooooo much better, and faster, which is great because V3's world is quite large despite being stuck in a cage!

As for the characters, I feel like most are unfortunately, pretty shallow, or a step down from previous entries... however, I can't actually be mad about that due to plot reasons that I wont get into lol. Basically, they're more trope-y, but it's also intentional and actually pretty clever.

Onto the ending... Well, I didn't like it on my first playthrough... BUT! after some time deliberating, and replaying, I've actually found that it's... really smart! the open-endedness about it is both frustrating and also makes me quite happy for a multitude of reasons.

Overall, a great addition to a fantasticly wacky series.

Also , in this house we love Kokichi Ouma

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2021
